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Ben van Koert

Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands
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PostPosted: Mon 12 Mar, 2012 2:26 pm    Post subject: The grand tournament of St. Wendel         Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I'd like to inform you about THE jousting event of this year, to be held in Sankt Wendel, Germany. This is going to be something special.. Awesome horses, an amazing line-up of competitors, some of the greatest replica armor I've ever seen,multiple melees, solid lances with steel coronels.. the whole deal.
For the first time in about 500 years, jousting in it's original form is returning to Germany.

Here's the trailer:

And here's the website of the event:

I'm absolutely stoked something like this is going to happen again at this magnitude. Big Grin
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Adam Bohnstengel

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PostPosted: Mon 12 Mar, 2012 3:51 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That looks AWESOME! Please tell me you'll be having this event next year too. I can't make it this time.
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Ben van Koert

Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands
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PostPosted: Thu 15 Mar, 2012 8:01 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

This will most likely be a one off event, as it's to celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the visit of emperor Maximilian, but hopefully this will set an example to other cities of the possibilities. I'd love to see more events like this.
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Iagoba Ferreira

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PostPosted: Thu 15 Mar, 2012 9:24 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I'd love to see more events like this.

Who not? Wink Thanks for sharing!
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Ben van Koert

Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands
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PostPosted: Fri 16 Nov, 2012 4:26 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Yesterday my video about the event was released.
You can watch it here:
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Marik C.S.

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PostPosted: Fri 16 Nov, 2012 1:43 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I'm really, really annoyed now that I take on the drive to go there, thanks for reminding me what I missed.
Really great video, I have one question though. Those coronet tips that bite into the shield as a safety feature, my first instinct would be that those are safer because they get stuck in the shield, the force is transferred to the lance and it breaks instead of sliding of and hitting something else uncontrollably. At worst even a rider or horse. Is that about right?

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Peter Lyon
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PostPosted: Fri 16 Nov, 2012 4:53 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That is amazing to see, and I can appreciate (though never copy) the amount of work and dedication that goes into tourneying at that level. Toby sums it up perfectly.
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Ian S LaSpina

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PostPosted: Fri 16 Nov, 2012 5:56 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ben van Koert wrote:
Yesterday my video about the event was released.
You can watch it here:

Excellent video for a truly outstanding event!

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J.-P. Rybak

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PostPosted: Sat 17 Nov, 2012 2:59 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

A great event, you'll probably see only once in a lifetime, regarding the amount of competitioners, the high niveau of the josting and riding skills and the level of historically correct reconstruction.

Only one thing bothered me and that was the commentary of the moderators... german being my motherlanguage I understood every word - sadly. Perhaps it is just me but I thought it was overdone in terms of jokes and trying to build up a courtly atmosphere. It didn't work for me. While the Scene on the field was really believable and "authentic", the commentary was not at all trying to represent a historical correct scene from the courts tribune, it was often mere modern jokes trimmed to "somewhat medievalic" - and badly done. No one would have spoken like that in that time. And then there was that guy with the curly hair, glasses and the staff in his hands who talked nothing but nonesense... everything but professional.

As I said, could be just me, but it killed the atmosphere for long times of the event. Nevertheless, a great thing I'm glad to have been to.
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Arne Koets

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PostPosted: Sat 17 Nov, 2012 9:53 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That is one aspect of the safety, yes!

The other is that a big lump of steel does not extrude through a vision slit, whereas a bit of wood does.

Also the coronel does have a limit to it's penetration in comparison to a single point, that is however a small comfort, and definately the most publicised and least important factor.

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Ben van Koert

Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands
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PostPosted: Sat 17 Nov, 2012 10:12 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Marik C.S. wrote:
I'm really, really annoyed now that I take on the drive to go there, thanks for reminding me what I missed.
Really great video, I have one question though. Those coronet tips that bite into the shield as a safety feature, my first instinct would be that those are safer because they get stuck in the shield, the force is transferred to the lance and it breaks instead of sliding of and hitting something else uncontrollably. At worst even a rider or horse. Is that about right?

Another way of breaking the lance is to exactly hit the visor. With a sharp tipped warlance this is potentially lethal, but as the prongs of the coronel are made in such a way that it's impossible for it to enter the visor-slit it's much safer as well. The coronel will catch on the visor and the lance will snap, but this is extremely difficult.
Luke Binks succeeded in one such hit on Arne Koets during the event and snapped off only the tip of his lance, while the force of the impact caused the wings of Arnes crest to snap off.
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