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Christopher VaughnStrever

Posted: Sat 04 Feb, 2012 7:13 pm Post subject: Hernán Cortés 1487-1547 |
I was just recently informed that my bloodline is tied directly to Hernán Cortés of Spain, whom conquered mexico for Spain. I learned earlier that there was intermingling of my bloodline (Spaniard) and Aztec...
Doing some looking on wikipedia, I found that Hernan (aka Hernando) had 20 slaves that were given to him from the indenginous people (Aztec), one of them was Doña Marina, whom bore Hernando's son, whom was the first recorded offspring from the intermingling of Spaniards and the Aztecs.
Dona Marina is also known as La Malinche, whom is currently considered in mexico to be the mother of the new mexicans (not new mexico in the US)
Well... I am intrigued in every aspect of learing all there is about Hernan... to say the least. Does anyone know of any sources of more reliable information about Harnan Cortes, other then what I have read on wikipedia...
Thanks for any help in this direction of research,
-Christopher V.
Experience and learning from such defines maturity, not a number of age
Len Parker
GG Osborne
Posted: Sat 04 Feb, 2012 9:37 pm Post subject: |
Try "Arms and Armor of the Conquistadores" for more material/weapon information. Usually a copy available on ebay.
"Those who live by the sword...will usually die with a huge, unpaid credit card balance!"
Jim S.

Posted: Sun 05 Feb, 2012 10:47 am Post subject: |
I can recommend HERNAN CORTEZ- Letters from Mexico, Translated and edited by Anthony Pagden.
Also, The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico by Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Bernal Díaz lived the last 40+ years of his life here in La Antigua Guatemala where he completed his monumental and very important work. Díaz, while unshaking in his admiration of Cortez, tells much of ¨the other side¨of Cortez in his book.
A pretty nice site dealing with Cortez and the other Conquerors ....