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Allen Johnson

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PostPosted: Mon 29 Aug, 2011 6:47 pm    Post subject: Templar-esque Script         Reply with quote

I've been asked to write a film script that is based on very loosely interpreted Knights Templar in America myths/legends. Unfortunately I have only a short amount of time to hammer this thing out. Obviously there are a million books out there on the subject of Templars. Does anyone have some recommendations as to what I can read or look at that contains a bit more documented research and less wacky-guy conspiracy theory stuff? It's going to be pure fantasy (think more National Treasure like) but I'd like to try and at least get a few good facts in there. Also, any tips on Templar era armor and weapons. I'd assume it would be standard stuff for the 11-1300's. Thanks all.
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W. Knight

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PostPosted: Mon 29 Aug, 2011 9:05 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The era of the 11-1300's actually was a time of great change in terms of armor (at least toward the latter portion of this timeframe). The "Age of Maile" was ending, and plate armor was supplementing the maile at this time, later to develop into the full suits of plate armour some time afterwards. So perhaps it would be best to narrow down your timeframe more, to get info on historical arms and armor? Those used in 1129 (when the Order was recognized by the Pope), while sharing many similarities, would be somewhat different than those used by 1312 (when the Order was disbanded by the Pope).

What year(s) do you plan to use as the setting for your story?
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Lin Robinson

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 5:05 am    Post subject: Re: Templar-esque Script         Reply with quote

Allen Johnson wrote:
I've been asked to write a film script that is based on very loosely interpreted Knights Templar in America myths/legends. Unfortunately I have only a short amount of time to hammer this thing out. Obviously there are a million books out there on the subject of Templars. Does anyone have some recommendations as to what I can read or look at that contains a bit more documented research and less wacky-guy conspiracy theory stuff? It's going to be pure fantasy (think more National Treasure like) but I'd like to try and at least get a few good facts in there. Also, any tips on Templar era armor and weapons. I'd assume it would be standard stuff for the 11-1300's. Thanks all.


There are a lot of very good books out there which do not deal in the fantastic tales about the Templars. I can recommend several which are recommended reading for persons who wish to join the modern Templar Order to which I belong. THE MONKS OF WAR, by Desmond Seward, THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, by Stephen Howarth, and THE KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER by Ernle Bradford are three that you might look into. My personal favorite, which is a no-nonsense book about the history of the Templars from their founding to their destruction, is THE TEMPLARS-KNIGHTS OF GOD by Edward Burman. These are well-researched and footnoted books which ignore the myths that have grown up around the Templars, especially since Dan Brown's books and the subsequent films. I have always felt that truth is far more interesting than fiction. I can assure you that no ancient Templars ever made it to these shores.

Good luck with your script and let us know how it is going.

Lin Robinson

"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982

Last edited by Lin Robinson on Wed 31 Aug, 2011 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Blaz Berlec

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 6:29 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

For a quick overview of history of Templar Knights and some visuals with the text I can recommend:

Knight Templar 1120-1312 (Warrior) - Helen Nicholson (Author), Wayne Reynolds (Illustrator), Osprey Publishing, 2004

And as for "Knights Templar in America" - there's only one work that everybody copies from -

The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, Scott Wolter (Author), North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc. 2009

But it's no more history than Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the book that Dan Brown copied his "facts" from.
There's also a documentary, I think it went here by the name of "The Hooked X", but elsewhere as "Holy Grail in America".

Extant 15th Century German Gothic Armour
Extant 15th century Milanese armour
Arming doublet of the 15th century
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Daniel Wallace

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 2:42 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

this title may be a little beyond what your looking for - or not. "templars in america from the crusades to the new word" by tim wallace - murphy, marilyn hopkins, weiser books boston. this book highlights evedance of the st clair family was making regular trading expiditions with the 'new world' in i believe the 11- 12th century. and also promotes the theory that the americans were visited long before 'viking' voyages.

they spotlights the evidence of the newport tower in road island and the westford knight engraving. but if you like dan bown's divince code you'll hate this book because it kills all the myths of rosslyn chapel and it's images.

there is also research on a stone found in i think missouri in a farmers field written in runes that is a possible land calm? i'm not sure i may be a mistaken with that one but maybe someone here can shed some light on that. its just more evidence that north america was discovered and known about long before columbus.
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Allen Johnson

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 2:47 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thank you for the information gentlemen. I pretty much have free reign on the specific time period in question. I'm thinking right now that I'll probably focus it at the end of the era...into the 1300's...using the Papal disbanding as the impetus to "travel". If there is any more information you think would be particularly useful or perhaps an unexplored facet of Templar lore that would be really great to see, I'm open for suggestions.

Since I have some folks in the know here, I did have a particular question...
Is there any validity to the story of Templars joining up with Wallace and Bruce for the campaign against Edward I at the end of the 1200's and into the 13's?

Thanks again!
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Jared Smith

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 3:36 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

A large portion of the Templar period would include full body mail coverage.

We have numerous mid 13th century depictions here on the site, and effigies of famous personalities of the era (William Earl Marshal and others) that give us a pretty solid idea of what was "typical" for a "knight" of that time period. There is not much reason to deliberate the outer appearance of armor we would expect.

Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence!
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W. Knight

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 5:57 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

While I do believe that the truth is much more interesting than fiction in most cases, sometimes movies can prove to be an exception. After all, the greatest action adventure movies in the history of cinema, (The Indiana Jones trilogy) are nearly pure fantasy, with just the tiniest grain of truth thrown in here and there for good measure! If everything is done well, pure fantasy can work great in a movie. Happy

Allen Johnson wrote:
If there is any more information you think would be particularly useful or perhaps an unexplored facet of Templar lore that would be really great to see, I'm open for suggestions.

I would personally love to see a story dealing with the Templars fleeing by sea with their vast gold resources, to keep their riches from the likes of Phillip IV and others conspiring against them. They arrive at Oak Island, off the cost of Novia Scotia, but somehow the whereabouts of their hiding place becomes known to their enemies, and this explains why the elaborate water traps and such were used.

Of course, I think the Oak Island "money pit" is believed to date to the 18th century, or somewhere thereabouts (if anything is buried there at all). But in every documentary I have seen about it, the Templars are always mentioned at least once, just as a possible explanation, among many others, so if that story has not been used yet in a movie, I think it would be very interesting. Big Grin
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Lin Robinson

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 7:24 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Allen Johnson wrote:
Thank you for the information gentlemen. I pretty much have free reign on the specific time period in question. I'm thinking right now that I'll probably focus it at the end of the era...into the 1300's...using the Papal disbanding as the impetus to "travel". If there is any more information you think would be particularly useful or perhaps an unexplored facet of Templar lore that would be really great to see, I'm open for suggestions.

Since I have some folks in the know here, I did have a particular question...
Is there any validity to the story of Templars joining up with Wallace and Bruce for the campaign against Edward I at the end of the 1200's and into the 13's?

Thanks again!


The Templar-Bannockburn story is total and absolute hogwash. It was invented around the time of the emergence of the Masonic movement and has no basis in fact. The story flies in the face of reason, it doesn't even make sense in many ways as some conspiracy theories do, in spite of themselves. If you will PM me I will send you a copy of an article I wrote for The Highlander several years ago which was an answer to one they had published previously which supported the theory. While I am at it, a couple of other things mentioned earlier are of interest to me; the Sinclair voyage and the Westford Knight in particular. However, these plausible ideas have suffered greatly by being heavily embellished with nonsense and unproven statements which have discouraged legitimate historians from researching them when they could, in fact, have happened. The Kensington Rune Stone I do not buy.

But I do go on....

Lin Robinson

"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Tue 30 Aug, 2011 8:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

W. Knight wrote:

I would personally love to see a story dealing with the Templars fleeing by sea with their vast gold resources, to keep their riches from the likes of Phillip IV and others conspiring against them. They arrive at Oak Island, off the cost of Novia Scotia, but somehow the whereabouts of their hiding place becomes known to their enemies, and this explains why the elaborate water traps and such were used.

Of course, I think the Oak Island "money pit" is believed to date to the 18th century, or somewhere thereabouts (if anything is buried there at all). But in every documentary I have seen about it, the Templars are always mentioned at least once, just as a possible explanation, among many others, so if that story has not been used yet in a movie, I think it would be very interesting. Big Grin

I think the idea above could be a great idea. Big Grin Cool

It could be a small fleet of Templars escaping persecution being caught in a violent Storm and ending up in North America and not having any idea where they are moving down south and eventually ending up in Central America: A bit like Xenophon"s Anabasis but reset in Pre-Columbian America:

You could even steal and adapt the historical situations and battles to this different setting ? Anyway, worth having a look at because it gives a realistic idea of the challenges faces by a small army lost in a foreign land at times pillaging to survive and at times taking work as mercenaries and then moving on.

Instead of 10,000 it could be a more modest 200 fully armoured Templars, a limited number of horses and maybe 1000 support troops of crossbowmen, archers and billmen all reasonably armoured.

They could initially have landed at Oak Island and buried their treasure but ironically when arriving in Aztec lands find more gold than they could have dreamt of.

Maybe after a long stay in central America the survivors would have built some ships and headed back to Europe with a huge amount of gold and ironically be sunk by a storm in sight of the European coast with maybe a sole survivor telling his story in old age in his final confession to a priest who would never have repeated the story because of the secrecy of the confessional. ( But an old dusty hand written book found hidden inside a hollow religious statue at a monastery found during some repairs by archeologists ).

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Allen Johnson

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PostPosted: Wed 31 Aug, 2011 3:12 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Great stuff gentlemen...
I was wondering if there was a specific name given to the soldiers that the Pope sent out to capture and kill the Templars on the infamous Oct. 13, 1309? Like were they part of a regiment or specific unit?
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Wed 31 Aug, 2011 8:11 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Allen, just let us know how the project goes and maybe give us an outline of the story if and when you can without causing too many spoilers. Wink ( I can see that before the film is made and available plot lines might have to be kept secret[i]. Wink ).[/i]
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