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Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Thu 30 Jun, 2011 9:01 pm Post subject: Settlers Day Manville Sportsmen's Club Lincoln RI 9/24-9/25 |
We have held an ad hoc sword get together at this club's Settlers Day since 2003. This has been as much as a get together as a public display with an opportunity to handle swords and discuss swords with the public. No two years have been the same. Some wet some very hot and sunny. Prepare accordingly for the weather but we did manage inside one wet day. Another wet day was enough water to collapse a canopy. We had been too busy chatting to look up to the gathering water.
There is a link to the flyer for this year.
There are usually targets to cut, books to go through, chat and fellowship. Many other activities and something for the the whole family to check out. Some food, varied vendors and music. Pow wow activity some years and not others. Occasional smiths and a flint knapper doing some great knives last year..
Let me know via pm or at if you are planning on bringing collections in for display and handling so as we can arrange table space..Antiques and modern arms are already piling up but we are always welcoming more to attend. Mats for cutting have not been confirmed or a guarantee but most years have seen them. Todd Peletier is the man behind that supply but more presence and involvement is welcome
More as we go and I know more. This is just an early bird notice, as I happened to note it is up on the club site. A few shots of the past below.
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Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Sat 30 Jul, 2011 8:17 am Post subject: |
This is still a go, as far as I know. We are still a couple of months out with a nice autumn weekend (we are due for a perfect one).
More as any might as an rsvp or in posting here. I will load th canopy but it had been determined just an extra chore. Shade is nice on the hot as hades days though. Hopefully we have had our share of those this year. More pop ups, supplies, collections, tables welcome. The club has an open invitation for vendors and other crafts/activities folk. Contact them directly if not just part of the swordz nutz collective.
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Jonathan Hopkins
Posted: Wed 03 Aug, 2011 1:24 pm Post subject: |
I plan to be there as usual.
Job Overbeek
Posted: Thu 04 Aug, 2011 8:39 am Post subject: |
That's just too many swords in one place :P
Josh MacNeil
Location: Massachusetts, USA Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Posts: 197
Posted: Thu 04 Aug, 2011 10:44 am Post subject: |
I'm definitely planning on being there.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Thu 04 Aug, 2011 12:44 pm Post subject: |
This is great guys and you especially Josh with the great idea formulating behind the scenes. I pinged Todd about this and you two need to talk. The rest of it? I think if another type of exhibition just shows up to unload, the club will be happy to see it (Write them first though ).
Josh MacNeil
Location: Massachusetts, USA Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Posts: 197
Posted: Tue 16 Aug, 2011 3:22 pm Post subject: |
Alrighty, so I wanted to wait until I got a definite confirmation from all parties before I made the official announcement here, which I now have, so it's official.
It's my pleasure to announce that there will be a collection of antique engines and other equipment on display at Settler's Day this year. The displays will be run by Mike MacNeil (my dad) and Frank Rienzo, and consist of machinery dating from the early to mid 20th Century. These types of interesting machines saw use on farms and in the many mill villages that make up the Blackstone River Valley. Everything you'll see has been restored to working order and makes for some really impressive displays; and noise as well. I'm really excited about this as it's a chance to share some unique pieces of Americana with the public that also hold some significance to local history.
At this point in time, I'm not sure if the guys will be there for both days or just one. But we're still about a month and a half out from this, so we'll know for sure as we get closer. I'll also try and get a couple of pictures to post as well.
- JM
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Tue 16 Aug, 2011 5:20 pm Post subject: |
This is great Josh!
I had a feeling that it is the type of local history the club would embrace for these weekends. I need now to send a missive to a couple of old acquaintances from the steam and antique engine crowd of New England. I never followed the growth of interest into Steam Punk but it turns out a lot of folk have always been gear heads. An old friend had been doing meets for years. A little off topic but a good friend and his musing.
As an aside to Rhode Island arms history, Providence Tool Co. and Mansfield&Lamb produced swords as well as other arms during the American Civil War. There will be some representative examples of swords from that war and other early Americana along with the modern made swords. More militia era interbellum swords have been added for this year.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Mon 29 Aug, 2011 6:17 pm Post subject: |
I received a nice message today from Steven Hirsch of the Kunstbruger group with his interest in doing an exhibition at the event.
Kunstbruder Boston Sword and Shield
Affiliate of:
Forte Swordplay
This is a really terrific addition and we welcome the opportunity for others in the area.
The prophet of all things dry has deemed the weekend odds on to be nice. I like those lazy autumn days with a bit of a cold nip. We roasted last year.
I would add that camping on the site is a possibility to take up with the club themselves. I now some of the militia group occasional sets up. I know I have considered sleeping in the van but usually truck home or to a nearby couch. If I were closer to that club, I would join on an annual or life basis, as the clubhouse itself is terrific. The range and other activities nationally acclaimed. We had an instance a few years ago with a costumed cowboy action shooter doing Japanese kata with a big ATrim XIIa. Amusing and awesome at the same time.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Fri 16 Sep, 2011 9:12 am Post subject: |
Well, just about a week a way. Weather is projected to co-operate. All systems appear to be a go. Some last minute confusion but hopefully any concerns have been resolved. The club is pretty laid back as far as any wanting to vend of exhibit. There are generally staff there by 0730 or so and I am usually there by 0800 both days.
There is also the Ashokan hammer in going on in New York this weekend as well as the Higgins Armory Museum Talk Like A Pirate Day happening tomorrow the 17th. The swamp maples here are ahead of schedule with the first red leaves appearing more than a week ago. Despite some lingering hot days, I think we are looking at an early winter season in New England. I'm not sure I'm ready for another Christmas blizzard but we are probably due for that along with flurries by Halloween.
Jonathan Hopkins
Posted: Fri 16 Sep, 2011 12:10 pm Post subject: |
I will be there all day on Saturday. I will be bringing antique swords from the 18th and 19th centuries--mostly British but with a few Continental items thrown in--as well as books.
Josh MacNeil
Location: Massachusetts, USA Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Posts: 197
Posted: Fri 16 Sep, 2011 1:02 pm Post subject: |
This is great to hear guys! I'm really stoked about having the guys from Kunstbruder join us too. As far as I know, the engine display is still ago. I've emailed the club directly to inquire about space and such and I'm waiting to hear an official ok. I'm gonna shoot a reminder email right now just to check for sure.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Fri 16 Sep, 2011 4:23 pm Post subject: |
In some discussion the past couple of days, the A OK has been pretty much word of mouth that anything goes as far as vending and diversity. For instance one year it was a portable rock climbing wall on a flatbed that set up in one corner. Space has always been first come first served and some of the militia groups have at times set up the day before (overnighters), There was a local Craiglist posting that gives some other information.
I am never sure what to expect when I roll in Saturdays. I will say that there is both high and low ground right at the bottom of the drive that would be more or less ideal and might work as a co-operative effort to stake a claim. There is somewhat a different chain of command on the grounds year to year and as I am not truly associated year round, have no idea who might roll up on a quad to remind me "you're just unloading, right?", as the drive needs to be clear once the bus and hay ride tractor starts rolling by 0945 or so.
Josh MacNeil
Location: Massachusetts, USA Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Posts: 197
Posted: Thu 22 Sep, 2011 1:49 pm Post subject: |
Looking good for the weekend. I wish I could say the same about the weather forecast. But we'll manage. All the details about space has been worked out and everything is ago. I'll sadly only be bringing one actual sword this year. My severe adult ADD has left all but the one disassembled and awaiting refurbishing. But it's not like we'll be lacking in swords anyway. Plus I've got other items to fill some niches. Just finished mounting my new spearhead. Hope it fits in my car. I've also got some smaller items including a couple antiques. People always seem to dig the old stuff. Rain or shine, it should still be fun.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Thu 22 Sep, 2011 3:11 pm Post subject: |
I do have one canopy coming that should be serviceable for the spotty showers. My vote is that they all blow south of the event. There will be lots of swords to employ. I am about half packed and should be loading up tomorrow. I am actually cutting back on the knives and books a bit, as the little hands tend to be busy with the little knives and the books get little notice aside from reference. Still, knives and books will have a corner spot. One of my grandnephews has enlisted to help (18, how did that happen?). I usually beat Todd in arrival but I think he is local. He did wait for me one Sunday to no avail, as I was in the hospital after a crash. I plan to be there by 0800 both days and am probably staying over at my niece's house Saturday night.
The war hammer got rusticated for just such an occasion as dampness.
I need naps
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Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Sat 24 Sep, 2011 2:49 am Post subject: |
Well, it is O yawn early in the morning on a soggy day. Some are scratching where it itches and rollling over back to bed but it looks like the real dreary weather is done for the moment. Steve sent a round of mail that they will not be down. Our Green Mountain contingent has been tied up with the family and his plans changed earlier in the week with a probably not but dearly wishing to. I have been mostly off the coffee bean this past season but now that it is officially fall and my own afib beast is being good, I have a pot of dry Mexican bean ground and brewed.
My own schedule misses F! Singapore quali and the race, as those have gone to night races. As chance would have it, I also have a free weekend of HBO and Cinemax I am missing most of but did catch Amelia, reruns of Sherlock Holmes and a tasty bit of Mullholland Falls. Loaded yesterday evening, I can't deny the radar shows the rain departing to the east. Gray and definitiely ground damp, it looks like we have less of a chance for any more downpours until Sunday night.
Drop by if in the area and not otherwise occupied. Barring last minute issues, I will make it down the road in good accord and I know the troops from RI will be up and at it shortly.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Mon 26 Sep, 2011 12:43 pm Post subject: |
This turned out to be another shake and bake weekend we all got a little sunburned from. I hate to put my major faith oin long range projections but both days were sunny hot and humid as opposed to forecasts expecting a wet weekend.
The layout almost deja vu from the 2009 set up but with more swords and armour. Josh's dad and friend did make it with their machinery and it was a nice syncopated background noise from the hit and miss "one lunger" gasoline engines. Lots of new enthusiasts with our recommendations to visit the various sword and arms forums, as well as book lists Josh and Todd were a great help for me in loading out both days. Todd has been grinding down a Cold Steel 1796 and more Del Tins are now svelt, quick and very very sharp. An 1830ish mounted artillery sword was employed at the mats a few times and Josh had hafted a very long spear (looks like a pruning saw pole). After sharpening yet another spear, that as well was cutting mats.
Until the next, which will be the tenth annual
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