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Johnathan L B
Location: Classified Joined: 25 Apr 2011
Posts: 22
Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 8:32 am Post subject: Post your Leaf-Blades here |
I don't have any but I am interested in seeing what some look like. The only leaf-blade I have ever seen was the Xiphos sword and that was on Deadliest Warrior.
Jeffrey Faulk
Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 12:29 pm Post subject: |
Any preference between historical and fantastical? The Xiphos isn't the only historical leaf-blade out there; there are Celtic versions as well in bronze, I believe. Not sure about the rest.
Fantasy, well, there's plenty enough out there for everybody...
Johnathan L B
Location: Classified Joined: 25 Apr 2011
Posts: 22
Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 2:20 pm Post subject: hk |
Jeffrey Faulk wrote: | Any preference between historical and fantastical? The Xiphos isn't the only historical leaf-blade out there; there are Celtic versions as well in bronze, I believe. Not sure about the rest.
Fantasy, well, there's plenty enough out there for everybody... | just whichever swords you own that are leaf blades
Roger Hooper

Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 3:19 pm Post subject: |
Here is the ATrim AT2104 - a fantasy medieval gladius hispaniensis. They don't get much leafier than this one.
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David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river Joined: 23 Aug 2003
Posts: 803
Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 4:15 pm Post subject: |
Here are some.
Pic 1: Kris Cutlery Celtic and Unkown maker (CAS Iberia? Rittersteel?) "Trojan" sword, which for obvious reasons I call "The sword of Pac-Man".
Pic 2: Top, Erik Stevenson Gladius Hispaniensis. Bottom, Valiant Armoury Actium Gladius.
Pic 3: Del Tin Mainz-pattern Gladius.
Pic 4: Iron Age Armoury Greek Xiphos.
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David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe
Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
Eric G.

Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 7:49 pm Post subject: |
I have this leaf-blade by Ritter Steel.
You can see the review that I did on it (as well as a ton of pictures) here:
In short, I find the look of the sword to be very appealing but it is far too heavy for a sword of its size. It is both the shortest and heaviest sword that I own. I still love it anyway. =)
Eric Gregersen
Knowledge applied is power.
Johnathan L B
Location: Classified Joined: 25 Apr 2011
Posts: 22
Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 8:59 pm Post subject: afr |
nice pics guys. Do you know why they don't make longer leaf blades??
Eric G.

Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 9:41 pm Post subject: |
Someone might give a better answer or tell me that I'm wrong, but here's what I think.
The reason why all the longer leaf-blades are only fantasy pieces is because the extra mass that is moved towards the front of the blade to form the leaf shape. Too much mass towards the front of a sword makes the sword harder to wield than it rightly should be. Sure, more mass is more power, but agility is important too.
Eric Gregersen
Knowledge applied is power.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Sun 01 May, 2011 10:35 pm Post subject: |
Some from the modern era. Several CS swords/cutlass there. The Ames 1831 Gladius of the French 1816 artillery and then the blade on the 1840/1841 Ames cutlass more like the French 1831 infantry gladius blade.
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Actually Belgian Infantry
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talk about assemetry
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Carl W.
Paul Hansen

Posted: Mon 02 May, 2011 12:38 pm Post subject: Re: afr |
David Wilson wrote: | Pic 4: Iron Age Armoury Greek Xiphos. |
Good to see that one got a good home!
My leaf blade collection consists of the following bronze swords, all made by Neil Burridge and all in various stages of completion:
Johnathan L B wrote: | nice pics guys. Do you know why they don't make longer leaf blades?? |
The Mindelheim (the middle one) is 82.5cm and weighs 1000g, so that's almost the size of a medieval single-hander...
David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river Joined: 23 Aug 2003
Posts: 803
Posted: Mon 02 May, 2011 5:12 pm Post subject: |
Eric Gregersen wrote: | I have this leaf-blade by Ritter Steel.
You can see the review that I did on it (as well as a ton of pictures) here:
In short, I find the look of the sword to be very appealing but it is far too heavy for a sword of its size. It is both the shortest and heaviest sword that I own. I still love it anyway. =) |
The sword of Pac-Man is actually pretty decent. It weighs in at about 2.5 lbs (heavier than it should be, but not bad), and balances out fairly well. Again, I'm not sure who made it. I know the current Rittersteel Trojan is quite a bit heavier; If mine was an older Rittersteel, then it's a nice one, or they've slipped lately....
David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe
Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
Zach Luna

Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 4:35 am Post subject: |
I have this leafblade, made by Baltimore Knife and Sword Company. The design is one I drew up myself-- a fantasy piece intended to be right at home in Middle-earth . The scabbard was done by the Valiant Armoury Custom Sword Shoppe.
I love it because it is mine, but it has its flaws--the hilt is much too large for the short blade (30 inch blade with a nine-inch grip ), which makes the mass distribution very neutral and robs the stroke of power. Still, it's a very fun piece.
Thom R.

Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 1:27 pm Post subject: |
Since we have veered into middle earth
I have two Jody Samson swords - this leaf blade rehilted for me by Christian Fletcher and a Seaward and I love them both........... tr
Roger Hooper

Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 2:44 pm Post subject: |
I don't own this sword, but I felt that this photo of the ATrim AT2103 should be included in this thread
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Last edited by Roger Hooper on Wed 04 May, 2011 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Scott Kowalski
Location: Oak Lawn, IL USA Joined: 24 Nov 2006
Posts: 818
Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 4:12 pm Post subject: |
To Zach and Thom
Those are both really nice looking swords as well as the scabbards and belts for them.
Is that a Christian Fletcher cutlered sword Thom? Who is the blade by?
Chris Landwehr 10/10/49-1/1/09 My Mom
Christopher Gregg

Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 6:28 pm Post subject: |
Here is my Jody Samson Farseer Leafblade. One of my favorite swords!
Christopher Gregg
'S Rioghal Mo Dhream!
Johnathan L B
Location: Classified Joined: 25 Apr 2011
Posts: 22
Posted: Tue 03 May, 2011 6:36 pm Post subject: |
Thom R. wrote: | Since we have veered into middle earth
I have two Jody Samson swords - this leaf blade rehilted for me by Christian Fletcher and a Seaward and I love them both........... tr | now that sword is just plain badass xD
Thom R.

Posted: Wed 04 May, 2011 8:01 am Post subject: |
Thanks.... Findlas is a Samson blade rehilted by CF. I loved the original hilt - I used it once upon a time in a photo for the CF contest years ago - but it got damaged by my own stupidity (long story that is too embarassing to retell) and with Jody's passing it needed a new hilt.. I couldn't think of anyone better than Christian to do that blade right. He is a master at his art.
I also love the Burridge swords! I have one that Shane Allee helped me with
Jim S.

Posted: Wed 04 May, 2011 5:18 pm Post subject: |
My leaf blades.
Raven Armoury Gladius .... 18 3/4 inch blade.
Replica of a WWI Welsh Trench Sword from International Military Antiques .... 17 1/2 inch blade.
Boker Combat Smatchet .... 10 inch blade.