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John Huynh

Location: Ottawa
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PostPosted: Mon 25 Apr, 2011 7:39 pm    Post subject: What type of sword is this?         Reply with quote


Just tryna find out what type of sword this is, more info about it....
Value, how old it could be, orgin, making..... ETC.
Maybe what I can do to find out by myself looking at it and evaluating the sword.
Anything words help.



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Colt Reeves

Joined: 09 Mar 2009

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PostPosted: Mon 25 Apr, 2011 9:24 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Eh, I'm bored so I'll take a stab at this. (Harhar.)

It looks very much like a cheap fantasy sword or katana. Everything from the weird fittings to the strangely bare hilt pretty much screams it. I almost think I've seen the same model before.

The only thing catching my eye that might say otherwise is the fact that the blade looks corroded or rusty. Most cheap pieces of junk are made from stainless steel and therefore should not rust. Please confirm whether or not this is due to the picture or simply dirt and use.

Also, where did you get it? Can you tell how the hilt is constructed? These details will help people identify it.

Anyway, if it is a modern fantasy sword (and I think it is), it looks like a higher-quality one. Perhaps $75 instead of $20.

Disclaimer: The above is merely my opinion. Someone may come on and tell you that you have a rare 18th century Vietnamese sword... but I doubt it.

Edit: I found it:

As sold at this site it is a mere $59 stainless steel wallhanger. Sorry about that. You probably wanted to hear about it being a Samurai General's katana or something.

It's still something interesting, just don't go around cutting up stuff with it, because being stainless it's likely to break (as opposed to high carbon tempered steel).

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Gabriele A. Pini

Location: Olgiate Comasco, Como
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PostPosted: Mon 25 Apr, 2011 10:29 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Something to always remember:

If I think that when I was starting my passion for weapons I swung a two meters stainless sword at a "real" migration era... Worried
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Colt Reeves

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PostPosted: Mon 25 Apr, 2011 10:42 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Well, if we're gonna be posting videos... Wink

Seriously, a stainless steel sword is often referred to in the sword community as a "wallhanger," something good only for hanging on a wall and not for use.

My first "sword" was a $10 wakizashi, and I got my money's worth. First time I swung it in earnest the blade started spinning in the hilt. It was a rat tail tang and later when I epoxied the crap out of it and then tried chopping up small (less than half inch if I recall correctly) tree branches it ended up folding at the weld and all but breaking off on me.

Note that at this point I was aware of the dangers and expected to destroy the "sword."

In conclusion, what we are saying here is that your sword is good for looks only and shouldn't even be swung too hard for fear of pieces flying off and impaling your wall, foot, child, cat, etc.

"Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown.
Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.
As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small.
For Iron, Cold Iron, must be master of men all..."
-Cold Iron, Rudyard Kipling
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John Huynh

Location: Ottawa
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PostPosted: Mon 25 Apr, 2011 11:09 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ha awesomeness. Can't believe you actaully found the same sword.
TBH, I was expecting it to be non less worth maybe 80 dollars brand new- piece of crap.

SMH... Was sorta hoping it would of been an old expensive one.

If I tried to chop someone up with this, it'd prolly fall apart/
It's pretty unstable, when I take a whack...
Figures/Know when its cheap. When theirs plastic in the case.
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Larry R

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PostPosted: Tue 26 Apr, 2011 5:23 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Gabriele A. Pini wrote:
Something to always remember:

I don't normaly take the time to do youtube, but I clicked on this and am still laughing!! Laughing Out Loud
Thanks for that (I'm still laughing!!)

P.S. I know he's ok cause I still see him on TV!
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Einar Drønnesund

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PostPosted: Mon 23 May, 2011 9:09 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

John Huynh wrote:
Ha awesomeness. Can't believe you actaully found the same sword.
TBH, I was expecting it to be non less worth maybe 80 dollars brand new- piece of crap.

SMH... Was sorta hoping it would of been an old expensive one.

If I tried to chop someone up with this, it'd prolly fall apart/
It's pretty unstable, when I take a whack...
Figures/Know when its cheap. When theirs plastic in the case.

I wouldnt even swing it, never mind chopping anything.

My first sword was a cheap stainless steel katana. I never cut anything with it, but i used to play around with it, doing some swings, which worked fine.... until several months later when it suddenly snapped at the tang shoulders without warning. I wasnt even swinging it hard, just light cuts in the air.

Just because it hasnt come apart from the first few swings doesnt mean it can take it. Wallhanger swords have such flimsy construction that every time you swing the blade, you weaken it a little bit, and one day, when you least expect it, it goes SNAP and you have a blade flying through your living room. Mine was just inches away from spearing the motherboard of my new PC that was lying open on the floor. Instead it gouged a nice mark into my hardwood floor.
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