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Randall Moffett

Location: Northern Utah
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PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar, 2011 1:49 pm    Post subject: 16th Century wappenschawings of Scotland         Reply with quote

So I have been going through the Scottish Parliament Rolls again recently and found this in my notes. Knowing it is now online I wanted to link it and let every one have a look.

Now this is what I wanted to discuss.
'...first the said 20 July 1575 and thereafter the said 10 October 1575 and so forth yearly in time coming. And because it is understood that the weapons and harnesses specified in the said acts of parliament, and agreeable to this present age and time as is hereafter declared, cannot universally be had at the said first wappenschawing, therefore it is dispensed that they may make their showings and musters the said first day with such armour, weapons and harnesses as they have, or may conveniently get, providing always that at the next wappenschawing thereafter they be furnished and boden with armour and weapons as is hereafter expressed, namely: every nobleman, such as earl, lord, knight and baron, and every landed man having 300 merks of yearly rent or above, be armed in harness, light or heavy as they please, and horsed according to their honour and estate; and that all others of lower rent and degree have body armour, jacks, steel bonnets, sleeves of plate or mail, swords, pikes, or spears of six ells long, culverins, halbards or two-handed swords; and in the highlands, habergeons,† steel bonnets, actons, swords, bows and quivers and culverins, under the pain every landed man not armed as said is of £5, every gentleman unlanded or substantial yeoman 40s, and every common yeoman 20s;...'

Now when looking at the nobility it requires them to have heavy or light harness 'as they please' though horsed 'according to honour and estate'. Why would the armour between a light or heavy harness be unimportant while they seem to have a more strict implication as to the types of horses required. My only assumption is that by saying 'according to honour and estate' would get their personal pride involved but why would that then not be the case with their armour as in the past and even lower orders more organized system.

As well there are no listings for crossbows but bows and handguns. Seemingly the crossbow replaced by the handgun.

Just an interesting account I had meant to share but never did.

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Joel Minturn

Joined: 10 Dec 2007

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PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar, 2011 2:38 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hmm, I wonder if the option of light or heavy harness is nod to the noblity that lived in the Marches (the area around the Scottish/English Border was divided in to Marches), an area known for its light cavalry (as well as raiding and similiar)

I was wondering if the mention of bows might mean either crossbow or long bow. But also odd is that only highlanders can bring a bow and people of lower rent are the ones providing the two handed swords?
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