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N Cioran

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PostPosted: Wed 02 Mar, 2011 5:48 am    Post subject: Wedge Rivetted Mail Quality         Reply with quote

Hey folks,

I understand that the Indian wedge rivetted flattened mail may not be up to the authenticity standards of a Schmidt or Forth armoury, but as the question of mail has come up in our group, would anyone care to comment on the GDFB and other Indian produced wedge rivetted flattened mails out there? In particular I'm curious about production flaws (or lack therof), durability, and maintainability.

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Christian G. Cameron

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PostPosted: Wed 02 Mar, 2011 6:00 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

To add to Cole's question, I'm interested in getting good, authentic voiders and a skirt for my harness, and I'm open to advice...
Christian G. Cameron

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Simon G.

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PostPosted: Wed 02 Mar, 2011 6:08 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi people,

A while ago I ordered a mail hauberk from Icefalcon (Andre Sinou, who posts on this very forum from time to time). I don't know where his mail comes from, I'd guess India too, given the prices (about the same as GDFB's). Overall I was pleased with the solidity, quality, and ease of maintenance compared to the price paid. You can find a review by me here :
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Kel Rekuta

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PostPosted: Wed 02 Mar, 2011 3:51 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Christian G. Cameron wrote:
To add to Cole's question, I'm interested in getting good, authentic voiders and a skirt for my harness, and I'm open to advice...

Chris, can you elaborate on that bit? How would you qualify a particular item on either count?
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Christian G. Cameron

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PostPosted: Thu 03 Mar, 2011 11:05 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Kel, this is where my desire for authenticity collides with my ignorance. I'm building a 1400 harness--or rebuilding it. When I look at period art, I see hauberks under plate and I see what MAY be voiders and a skirt under plate. I'm still experimenting with the textile stuff under the armor--but assuming that my next arming cote comes out well, It'll be built of brain tan deerskin and quilted with raw wool--but not very heavily,as I'm convinced that arming cotes and textile armour are completely different things (thanks to this list...). I've made two arming cotes and now I have the pattern refined...

When I'm done with that, I'll be looking to put--maybe--voiders and a skirt on the arming cote. I can't GET a whole hauberk under my breast and back--it has a 28 inch waist, and I have to work my butt off to keep my waist that small at the best of times...

But... and this is something I learned from my reenacting--if I'm going to put 40+ hours into my arming cote, and the cash to do it in brain-tan and silk... then there's no point in putting crappy voiders on it... Or that's my thought. But... so much to learn... the more I read, the more I see there is to know (about everything, but in this case about maille).

I'm a reenactor first... but learning some basic WMA does the same thing for my harness that wilderness camping does for my hunting clothes... so the maille also has to WORK.

More questions than answers. The other "funny" thing... in the Archaic Greek period,w e have to make everything ourselves (even armour) because there are no suppliers. In 1777, we can buy anything, from museum level recreations to shear crap... but I know that minefield. In Late Medieval, I have a good deal of academic knowledge, but the various craftsmen--and the big retailers--represent a lot of the unknown, at least for me.

So again--all help gratefully appreciated...

Christian G. Cameron

Qui plus fait, miex vault
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Thom R.

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PostPosted: Thu 03 Mar, 2011 11:54 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

authenticity issues aside

I have both the dome riveted and wedge riveted flat ring mail - both probably made in Pakistan or India. FWIW in general I have found that the wedge riveted is kinder to undergarments than the dome riveted. on the other hand, I find it easier to rivet my own mail using the dome rivets so easier to repair and tailor. the durability and quality seems about the same. tr
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