Michael Pearce
Industry Professional
Posted: Thu 17 Feb, 2011 4:29 pm Post subject: Going a-Vikinga? |

Oakeshott Type: X (Geibig Type 3 Blade)
Overall Length: 36-3/8 inches
Blade Length: 30-3/8 inches
Blade width @ Base: 1.920 inches
Blade Width 3 inches from point: 1.35 inches
Blade Thickness @ Base: .220 inch
Blade Thickness 3 inches from Point: .110 inch
Hilt Overall Length: 6 inches
Length of Handle: 4-1/16 inches
Hilt Type: Wheeler's Type 4
Center of Gravity: 6-1/4 inches from guard
Location of Blade Node (measured from Guard): 20-1/2 to 21 inches
Primary Hilt Node: approx. 1/2 inch from cross on handle
Weight: 2lbs 9 oz
Type X sword in the style of the late Viking Era (approx 9th- early 10th C.) Blade is 5160 spring steel hardened to HRc58-60, then selectively drawn down to HRc45-48 through the spine, shoulders and tang. 5 lobed pommel and upper and lower guards are mild steel. The Guard and Upper Guard are decorated with a simple vine motif used on similar hilt furniture in this era. The hilt is mounted by passing a reduced section of the tang through the pommel and riveting the tang over the end of the pommel. The guards and pommel are 'keyed' on the recangular section of the tang to prevent rotation. The handle is sandwiched hardwood with three equally speced risers wrapped in real linen cord then covered in deep Burgandy leather.
Exceptional care was taken with the Geibig's Type 3 blade to insure that it conformed to average historic proportions of such blades and that the hilt, blade and decoration were all consistant with the period. The handle is partly conjectural as very few handles of this period survive intact and those that do are generally clad in metal. This handle does conform generally to the shape of those handles with allowances for the style of hilt furniture.
The sword is available with either the standard leather scabbard or a wood-cored leather-covered scabbard with a period-syle sword belt.
This item is now Sold.
Michael 'Tinker' Pearce
Then one night, as my car was going backwards through a cornfield at 90mph, I had an epiphany...