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Chris Goerner

Posted: Thu 13 Jan, 2011 5:57 pm Post subject: New "Old" VE Dirk |
Vince Evans sent me a few photos of the latest edition to my collection. This dirk is a bit different for Vince in that he aged the blade to appear as a piece that had been lovingly handed down through a few generations. I really like the look of the dirk from the photos and can't wait to see it first hand. I'll spend the next few days staring at the mailbox like a puppy waiting for it's owner. In the mean time, here are the photos:
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Sic Semper Tyranus
Terry Crain
Posted: Thu 13 Jan, 2011 6:29 pm Post subject: |
Terry Crain
Donal Grant
Honor, not Honors!
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Ben Sweet
Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 2:04 am Post subject: |
Congrats! You gonna have to put up some bigger photos when you get her, those be a bit tiny for my screen! Plus I have never seen patina on a blade from Vince before that I gotta say is awesome!
Chris Goerner

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 3:13 am Post subject: |
Nathan Robinson wrote: | That's very unique and attractive. I quite like it. I don't know if you knew this--perhaps you do--but the leather portion of the scabbard for your dirk was originally made for "brass heart" dirk but shrunk more than expected. Vince then decided rather than toss it out, he might as well make another complete dirk to fit it! That means our dirks are connected in some way. Cool to me.
Cheers |
Nathan -- yes, Vince shared with me how my dirk was born out of the shrunken sheath of your dirk. I too think that is cool, and (selfishly) I sure am glad that sheath shrank as it did!
Sic Semper Tyranus
Chris Goerner

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 3:17 am Post subject: |
Ben Sweet wrote: | Congrats! You gonna have to put up some bigger photos when you get her, those be a bit tiny for my screen! Plus I have never seen patina on a blade from Vince before that I gotta say is awesome! |
Ben -- Yes, I'll post some more photos when the dirk arrives. Unfortunately, I don't have very good software for reducing the size of photos to fit myArmoury's standards. Often the photos get shrunk down pretty small and lose a lot of detail. Maybe it has more to do with my lack of expertise in this area than my software. I'll see what I can do, though. I need to take some photos of a hunting sword I just completed this week as well.
Sic Semper Tyranus
Thom R.

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2011 8:08 am Post subject: |
As always - a great piece from VE. I rather like the aged look and love the styling of the pommel cap. tr
Chris Goerner

Posted: Thu 27 Jan, 2011 3:01 pm Post subject: |
Well, the dirk arrived a week ago, but I've been so busy I haven't had time until now to post anything. I am very pleased with how the antiquing came out. It looks like a piece that has been well loved for a generation or two. Nothing too extreme, just the staining and wear you would normally see on a weapon that has been worn in the highland climate. Unfortunately, my photos don't really pick up the depth of the antiquing very well.
I took some photos of the dirk next to my silver mounted VE dirk, which is quite a bit larger as you can see. But beyond the difference in size, you will notice different treatment of the ferrule at the base of the grip and the pommel cap. Overall length of the antiqued dirk is 15 1/2", so it is on the petite side. However, I can hold it quite comfortably in my XL size hand.
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Sic Semper Tyranus
David Martin
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania Joined: 11 Apr 2005
Posts: 165
Posted: Thu 27 Jan, 2011 5:19 pm Post subject: |
Congratulations on a fine purchase! That dirk is absolutely stunning!
Thank you for the photos - that is the nicest looking dirk I've ever seen.
"When war-gods meet to match their might,
who can tell the bravest born?
Many a hero never made a hole
in another man's breast."
- Sigurd, The Lay of Fafnir