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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Wed 20 Oct, 2010 9:29 pm    Post subject: A&A Dresden Rapier at KoA         Reply with quote

There is currently a Dresden Rapier on the Kult of Athena site:

Somebody please buy it and save me from myself. Wink Razz Laughing Out Loud

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Roger Hooper

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PostPosted: Wed 20 Oct, 2010 9:55 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

How do you know there is just one? Maybe it will take 3 or 4 people to save you from temptation.

Good to see a new photo of that rapier
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Reece Nelson

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 1:17 am    Post subject: new sword         Reply with quote

Its people like you Jean that craftsmen depend on to get through this rescission Razz JK

God help you if you ever win the lottery lol...I myself would blow it all on arms and armour within a week Laughing Out Loud
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Nathan Robinson
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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 1:21 am    Post subject: Re: new sword         Reply with quote

Reece Nelson wrote:
Its people like you Jean that craftsmen depend on to get through this rescission Razz JK

God help you if you ever win the lottery lol...I myself would blow it all on arms and armour within a week Laughing Out Loud

And me, too. I exchanged a fair amount of the percentage of proceeds generated from selling equipment that I purchased for my career over the years for new "toys". Now I suppose to my credit, the equipment had paid for itself from the projects I used it on, but still, to turn it around and buy collectibles with it is a bit much.

If I won the lottery, I literally would approach one or two makers as being at least semi-part time makers for me alone. haha. Craig Johnson from A&A would be on that speed dial list, that's for sure. Happy

I feel your pain, Jean. I really do. When A&A posted up that "writhen" Germanic longsword on their Muster Page a month or so ago, I nearly S##T myself. There's two items I want right now on that page: the fishtail pommel sword and the sized-down claymore. There's no shortage of wanting around here.

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Sean Flynt

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 6:52 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I'd pretty much just take one of everything from A&A, both complete weapons and parts. I'm especially fond of these complex-hilt German swords, though.

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Robert Hinds

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 10:10 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Man...i'm not normally into rapiers but that is one sweet sword...

I think if I ever won the lottery there would be no place in my room to would all be covered in armour parts, swords and pole arms...

"Young knight, learn to love God and revere women; thus your honor will grow. Practice knighthood and learn the Art that dignifies you, and brings you honor in wars." -Johannes Liechtenauer

"...And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one..." Luke 22:36
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 12:59 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Robert Hinds wrote:

I think if I ever won the lottery there would be no place in my room to would all be covered in armour parts, swords and pole arms...

Well there is a lottery here at the moment with A&A gift certificates and one need only donate $10 for a decent chance of winning. ( The Pay it Forward Contest! ).

$200 would certainly make buying a new A&A sword a lot easier or " quicker " as it would be a good percentage of the total price. Wink Laughing Out Loud

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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 1:14 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Roger Hooper wrote:
How do you know there is just one? Maybe it will take 3 or 4 people to save you from temptation.

Good to see a new photo of that rapier

Yes that is a risk. Wink Razz Laughing Out Loud

If there is still one available in a month or two I may not be able to resist but I'm also looking at the English Longsword and I guess with a lottery win I would get both ...... Wink

Indecision about which to buy is sort of mercifully slowing me down. ( I do have to at least wait a month or two before I make another major purchase as I just bought the A&A Spiked Mace ).

I also think that when we buy from KoA or another vendor we are indirectly helping the maker as the vendor(s) will likely buy more from the maker as the maker's product is selling.

I do buy directly from A&A but when something is immediately available at KoA it does make the waiting somewhat shorter except for those cases when the item is on the A&A available now page.

I do feel good encouraging A&A directly but I also value the great customer service from KoA.

( Let's just say that I have an almost " Medieval " sense of loyalty to people who have given me good customer service and good custom work in the past ). Wink

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Joe Fults

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 8:10 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

If I won the lottery I think I would do periodic tours of parts of Europe, buy the dickens out of locally produced stuff, bring it all back, sell parts of it off, and call the whole thing a business. Then I'd write the whole trip off as a tax deductable business expense.

Rinse and repeat.

Again and again and again!

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Robert Hinds

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PostPosted: Thu 21 Oct, 2010 8:22 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ha! nice joe not a bad idea. Happy

I think I would build my my dream home if I won the lottery...a medieval castle in wisconsin, surrounded by a medieval town...filled with my friends i've forced to live there and wear medieval clothes...

Okay maybe just the castle... Razz

"Young knight, learn to love God and revere women; thus your honor will grow. Practice knighthood and learn the Art that dignifies you, and brings you honor in wars." -Johannes Liechtenauer

"...And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one..." Luke 22:36
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Daniel Sullivan

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PostPosted: Fri 22 Oct, 2010 8:41 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Really like your idea! However as there ain't no free lunch anymore....on occasion one might have to fight a rear guard action with those pesty IRS guys. But that would be well worth the effort and with all that money attorneys will be pounding at your gate (seeking only your protection.of course).

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