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Li Jin
Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 2:07 pm Post subject: How to pass the JFK security if I had a sword in luggage? |
I'm taking a trip to China which I think I can find some great deal of some private swords making shops, and if lucky I can find one. Question is how can I pass the US security with the sword all lock up in the luggage? China is another story, my teacher went to Europe country and he brought a sword back in his luggage locked up, when he picked it up in the JFK airport, it got confiscated I live in NY, so I was wondering how come the airport security even confiscate a sword that are unsharpened and shipped inside the plane just picking it up after arrive the airport. Anybody knows please tell me, many thanks.
Marcos Cantu
Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 2:20 pm Post subject: |
if its on the return, its not airport security, its US Customs. maybe your teacher didnt declare it
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 3:10 pm Post subject: |
I strongly suggest contacting the airports and airlines in question, be it via phone or their Web sites. Getting advice from anywhere else is simply opinion and conjecture and will not serve you as well as going directly to the source.
Having said that, while discussions like this are worthwhile in that we can share our collective experiences with each other, let's not forget that is not an appropriate place for legal advice and any such conversations must be kept in context.
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Bill Tsafa

Location: Brooklyn, NY Joined: 20 May 2004
Posts: 599
Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 3:25 pm Post subject: |
I have been through JFK at least 30 times in my life. I never had check-in luggage checked even once on the way in or out at JFK. They are interested in drugs, bombs, firearms, and carryon items that might be dangerous. theuse mostly machines and dogs to identify prohibited items. They make a bigger fuss about bringing fruits and vegetables in then swords. Just put the sword in your suitcase and check it in. Don't volunteer information not asked.
No athlete/youth can fight tenaciously who has never received any blows: he must see his blood flow and hear his teeth crack... then he will be ready for battle.
Roger of Hoveden, 1174-1201
John Gnaegy
Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 7:25 pm Post subject: |
It sounds like your teacher's sword was confiscated because he didn't declare it to US customs, since he bought it outside the United States and was bringing it back to the US. Everything you buy overseas, whether it's a sword, a computer or a toaster, you need to "declare" to the customs people so they can tax you for it. This only applies to items whose value is over a certain amount. Anything you bought over there that might be considered reasonably valuable you should declare, and they'll let you know what tax if any you need to pay for it. Security is a separate issue, you don't want to try to put a sword in your carry-on luggage unless you want to take a scenic tour of the US penal system, so you'll need to check that luggage. Just call the airline first, and they'll tell you what to do. Don't try to sneak anything anywhere.
Bill Tsafa

Location: Brooklyn, NY Joined: 20 May 2004
Posts: 599
Posted: Thu 23 Oct, 2008 8:12 pm Post subject: |
You are allowed $500 (not sure if they have increased it) in non-taxable purchases while abroad. I always claim $300 and write souvenirs. I have never been been questioned about it. They are mostly looking for big ticket items like jewelry purchased abroad. I'm not talking $500 or even $5,000 trinkets. I'm talking upwards of 100 k. The nailed Gov. Pataki wife for this a few years ago coming back from France. Yes, they do profile people. Most of us are under the radar.
No athlete/youth can fight tenaciously who has never received any blows: he must see his blood flow and hear his teeth crack... then he will be ready for battle.
Roger of Hoveden, 1174-1201
Peter Lewis
Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 5:07 am Post subject: swords from opther countrys |
Don't try to take it though the airport in your bags, post it to your home address instead. I have never had any problem getting a sword in to my country though the mail.
Bill Tsafa

Location: Brooklyn, NY Joined: 20 May 2004
Posts: 599
Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 6:49 am Post subject: |
Peter, that is in fact very good advice. It also reduces the risk of loss of damage. Baggage handlers are notorious for just throwing bags.
No athlete/youth can fight tenaciously who has never received any blows: he must see his blood flow and hear his teeth crack... then he will be ready for battle.
Roger of Hoveden, 1174-1201
Jean Thibodeau

Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 8:31 am Post subject: Re: swords from opther countrys |
Peter Lewis wrote: | Don't try to take it though the airport in your bags, post it to your home address instead. I have never had any problem getting a sword in to my country though the mail. |
Just make sure it's documented as your property you are bringing back that belonged to you before your trip and not a new purchase made abroad so as to not have to pay Customs Duties each time you leave with it or ship it to your destination and back home after the event or visit outside your country.
You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
Thom R.

Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 9:34 am Post subject: |
Li, I have been to china three times but never had a direct connection, have had to go thru tokyo, singapore, and hong kong, and all from LA-X. If like me you have to do multiple stops with multiple customs checks on the way home, i would suggest the shipping back to yourself option.
unfortunately the shipping back to yourself option isn't low risk either - i have had about 20% of my packages from outside the US damaged upon arrival here in the states. so make sure you insure. as far as custom duties, i don't know what to say, my experience is that US custom's duties on antique weapons seems random. 4 out of 5 swords sail through no problem and then that 1 in 5 arrives with a custom's bill. it has happened to me three times in the past few years and there doesn't seem to be any pattern or reason for it so i would say if you are carrying the swords through US customs personally instead of shipping, just be ready to pay 50-100 bucks a sword when you come back in. the amount below seems to be typical. tr
Chris Artman
Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 11:12 am Post subject: |
I'm confused also. I received an order for about $1400.00 worth of various maces, flails, daggers from the Czech republic (outfit 4 events) that arrived from a german shipping comany that handed it off to fedex and it came straight to me. I just got my second order from outfit 4 events about the same dollar amount and the shipping company is aramex international or something like that. I paid over $300.00 in shipping and just got a call from Aramex brokerage sept saying they want $55.00 for customs... I am totally confused on why the one package came direct and why this package that just arrived at JFK, they want $55.00 for brokerage/customs...
i just sent an email off to outfit 4 events asking them what is going on and to get back to me... they are very responsive and email almost immediately, even with the 8-9 hour time difference... After paying $300.00 for shipping, I just don;t get why this shipping compnay is asking me for another $55.00
It also says Duty free.?????
The following are the charges due for the services rendered and payable by check, money order or credit
Duty Fee $0.00
Handling Fee $5.00
Informal Entry Fee $50.00
Hopefully outfit 4 events can explain this... I'm always wary of scammers. It was 300.00+ shipping already... (pole weapons)
Last edited by Chris Artman on Fri 24 Oct, 2008 11:30 am; edited 3 times in total
Li Jin
Posted: Fri 24 Oct, 2008 11:20 am Post subject: HI |
Thank you very much guys, thanks for the help.
Nathan Grant
Location: Maine Joined: 24 Oct 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat 25 Oct, 2008 6:26 am Post subject: Sneaking Swords |
While not technically swords, I brought a matching pair of machetes in my checked baggage back from Guatemala. I did declare them on my U.S. Customs form as souvenir knives. The guys who posted earlier have a point. Things need to be declared and the less "weapon-like" you make them sound, the better.
-Nathan Grant