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I recently picked this Atrim 1215 up in a trade. I was very excited. I had let one go years ago. I regretted it instantly and never thought I’d get to pick one up again. It was the Atrim that got away. A mighty single handed blade.

I find as I get older, and collect more injuries, that I’ve begun appreciating different swords. The type X and Xa I used to love now seem to tire my elbow out. Short bladed bastard swords and type XIV have started to feel like home.

So, it’s time to consider trading. I’m interested in trading for another Atrim, willing to add cash if I’m trading up or accept cash if I’m trading down.


Atrim 1215

40” oal (tip to nut)
33” blade
6” cob
2lbs 6ounces (give or take an ounce, my new scale is eh)
In excellent shape and sharp

Specific blades of trade interest, but open to others,

-XIIIc.10 short bladed bastard
-XIV wider bladed like the DD1404
-I’m seeking two short swords for my daughters


-my old Odinblades Brazil Nut Viking, the only other trade regret I have. I don’t know who has it now. Not an Atrim, but the answer is yes if you have it.

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