Posts: 342
Mon 02 Jan, 2017 10:19 am
Ought to finish my targe by the end of the month, and considering a miniature one after that. Also planning a set of little belt knives to go with them... though I only want one, I've got lots of material for furnishing, and the sweet spot as far as shipping goes would be to order three blades.
Then there's that Elamite dagger. Whittling the grip scales is tedious, but once they're fitted, it should all come together very quickly. Routing the scabbard will mean lots more tedium though.
And a bunch of reenactment arrows: the light "show" ones with the Bulgarian socketed points and genuine reed shafts, and some heavy-duty bamboo shootin' arrows with tanged points that won't pop off when they lodge in a wood target.
And a crescent sparring
shield. The core and handles are done, I just need some thin rawhide for the facing, and a nice design to paint on.
And a little Scytho-Siberian stick-and-rawhide shield. And finish fitting the handle for the spearhead I bought in 2015.
Oh, and a new scabbard for my Iron Age Irish dagger. I found out that the glue I used on the first one is probably what's causing the blade to rust.
If I get a job, I'll obtain a blade for that hunting sword project I've had on the back burner for six years. I also want to buy an epee du soldat. Probably from G.G. Godwin.
And commission some iron Achaemenid javelin points.
The bronzes... maybe next year. Getting waxes cast at an art studio is expensive.
I'd also like to sell or otherwise clear out some of what I already have.
Joe, that design is great. Something about a wheel pommel and slightly flared guard with a hand-and-a-half grip always struck me as perfection.