Hey guys, looking to sell my brand new 12 gauge (starting gauge) sitten style bascinet. never been fought in or worn out at all. I'm gauging interest because I actually really like this helmet but I might be forced to sell it soon. with the thick padded liner currently installed its snug on a 21.5 inch head. Without the liner installed I could see someone up to 22.5 - 23 inches fitting in especially if its padded specifically to their head, currently the padding inside is over an inch thick.. so its really up to you to keep it or open it up and re-pad it with different styles of foam. It has a padded liner, riveted aventail, padded aventail, visor leather strap, leather chin strap (both un punched) and the visor is secured in with screws but can easily be loosened or removed, just added safety for the klappvisor style.
It matches the sitten style very well and I had the grilled eye slot made for improved safety with steel weapons, literally no weapon can get through if it has a rolled or covered tip.
Any other questions I will gladly answer, I'm looking to get 500 USD shipped USA/CAN but I'll lookup exact shipping prices to lower costs. I paid a lot more after exchanges and western union fees. This helmet was made personally by Andrey Galevskiy from the forum.