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Currently only shipping in the US, by the by.

I've got a Hanwei Scottish Claymore that I've never actually cut with, for sale.

It's edge is the factory edge, has little-to-no cosmetic damage, save for what Kult of Athena shipped it with. (Which are just some few scratches across the satin-finish blade.)

Again, it hasn't been used for cutting at all.

It's hilt was re-wrapped by Crusadermonk, and the cost was 350 shipped through KoA. It has studs and cross-hatching, end to end.

Pictures are below. Taken by me from a few months back, but it hasn't changed much.

I've also got a Kit Rae painted Plaque to go with it, for free.

I'd like 230 with shipping. Have questions, comments? PM me. Thanks.