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Hey guys
I need a upturned guard to hilt a leaf blade I recently finished. I do not have the tools (drill press, dremel) to make one myself without an aweful lot of work. So anyone who has a guard similar to the one one the VA Bristol, the VA Monarch or comparable pieces and is willing to sell it, please shoot me a pm with a price estimate. Can't promise to take it but I'll certainly consider any offer.

The guard should have a reset for the blade (which I will probably have to widen some as the width of the blade at the guard is more than 2") and the slot for the tang musn't be bigger than 0.250" x 0.8". About the standart ATrim/VA size.
Of course if anyone can make a guard for a reasonable price, I'd take that, too!

Btw, I live in Germany so anybody from Europe would be awesome but of course not necessary. I don't think shipping costs too much for a rather small piece of metal.