This is a somewhat rare piece.
Only about 100 of these were made, back in the 1970's by the folks at Solingen for the Gingher Scissors and Shears company. For some reason Gingher never sold any, in fact I don't know what they did with them.
I bought it, and made the scabbard for it, because I like the design and I like having something rare, but in truth the grip is a bit short for my hand. The rosewood grip you see is 4 inches long.
So here it is available. The perfect new owner would be a historical seamstress with a smaller hand than mine; someone who might get a laugh out of having a dagger to match the shears in her sewing kit.
The engraving on both sides of the blade is gold, the grip is rosewood, the furniture is bronze, and it's the sharpest thing I currently own.
I'm looking for $300 and you pay shipping, or a trade for a European dagger suitable for the late 16th Century.