Offering my Pentti+ Type III 50" synthetic longsword waster for sale.
Unfortunately work and family life does not allow me to pursue multiple hobbies for the foreseeable future, so sticking with my first love, archery, and having to take a break from HEMA for a while.
I purchased this waster earlier this year and was able to use it for exactly TWO classes with my local mentor...mostly form work with some very light sparring. It is as-new. Has the Pentti standard mild steel pommel. For personalization I drew a small Tiwaz and Ansuz rune in black Sharpie on either side of the ricasso...probably easily removed with alcohol or naptha, but why would you want to? Runes bring power eh? ;)
Will ship USPS insured. Due to oversize shipping I can not offer it for a whole lot less than it sells new for at Purpleheart Armory.
$100 TYD (to-your-door).
I have 100% feedback on eBay and multiple archery forums. Buy with confidence. Please PM me to inquire.
More info here:
PIC IS FOR EXAMPLE ONLY, not actual pic but showing you what you will get (though pic shows fancier pommel)