I have two blades I would like to sell: One is an Albion Moat blade the other is a partially hilted Hanwei/Tinker Viking blade. The Albion is a typeXI that is used on the Ritter and the Hospitaler. Since purchasing it I have polished it up and worked on removing two minor notches that it arrived with. The blade still has etching on it in spots from rust that has since been removed. Other than the cosmetic issues it is sound and useable. I'm asking $225 including shipping(my original cost was $200 plus shipping from Albion in 'as is' condition) to recoop some cost and some of the time spent on rework.
The other blade was purchased from KoA and I put a viking style guard from Albion on it. This required a fair amount of hand work and time to get finished, fitted and wedged into place. As it stands now I just don't have time to complete it. I'm asking $200 including shipping for it. If on the off chance that any party wants both blades together I would sell them en suite for $430 including shipping (increased weight but one less box...). Stats can be found at Albion and KoA respectively.
Payment type is USPS money order. Thanks in advance to all interested parties. Here are some pics.