I recently came across some Etruscan art from the preceding century that appears to show this kind of shield with a round boss. Another famous Etruscan situla shows what looks like round bosses with bites taken out, and possibly round ones with large square flanges. What I'm wondering is when any shields like these might be seen north of the Alps. Is it possible that the Etruscan ones were an early anomaly, abandoned for a while due to fashion or not being as effective?
Also, do we have any idea what the Etruscan bosses looked like? The Met has a number of bronzes purportedly dated to yet another century earlier that are identified as Etruscan or Italic, but (as best I can judge from the head-on photos) they look awfully shallow for center-gripped shields, unless the grips stand off the back. A number of auction sites have similar objects claimed as Etruscan. Other than these, I've had zero luck finding out about Etruscan shield bosses.

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