Two-handed sword book
Members might be interested in the recent publication of the following book: The Two-handed Sword, History, Design and Use,
by Neil Melville, published by Pen & Sword. 230 pages and over 100 illustrations; foreword by Mike Loades. Order it from your library if you con't want to buy it! Enjoy.
Pre-ordered from Amazon! Thanks, Neil.

How many photographs are there of swords in the book? You mention "illustrations" but not photos.
There are photos of approx. 89 actual two-handed swords, several in group shots but clearly individual, plus a few multi-group photos from museums. The other illustrations are from manuscripts, fight manuals, painting, sculpture, woodcuts etc. Hope this helps.
I just want to add that initially I found the publisher's site, and looked for a sample on there. I did not find it, and was just about to ask for one on here!

...You can find a sample of the book on Amazon. I am intrigued, and will consider picking it up if I can budget it in any time soon.

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