Do you enjoy researching the history of how the simple but ingenious invention of a stick and a string has been adapted over the years, and its uses developed ?

Then the place for you is the Society of Archer-Antiquaries

So what does the SAA do ? I hear you ask.

Recognised a as Learned Society, it welcomes, encourages and supports anyone with a historical interest in archery and associated equipment, from the Neolithic hunter, to the Victorian “archeress” and into the present, in all parts of the world – the far East, Africa, the Americas – in fact anywhere the bow has been or is being used.

The Society gives members the opportunity to meet with like minded enthusiasts for friendly discussion, exchange of information (and sometimes items) the examination of interesting archery artefacts and occasional short illustrated talks.

The vast breadth of knowledge of Society members is encapsulated in a quality, members-only annual Journal full of fascinating insights into the myriad aspects of the use of the bow – papers/articles on a wide variety of archery related subjects, mostly by members.

An on-line forum allows members in many other countries to ask questions, give answers and generally contribute to the ongoing debates on historical archery matters.

At meetings, members – and guests – may browse the Society’s display room of representative artefacts from across the world, and its extensive library of archery related books, magazines and research papers – with the opportunity this provides for some personal study. One meeting each year includes a short shoot, where members may use simple bows of all types from any country. Some members also engage in experimental archaeology, making reproductions and testing them

Whether you are curious about the beginnings of your sport, or keen to explore the bow’s use in battle, interested in the simple bows of indigenous peoples, or perhaps the rituals of the past and the present, if you feel you might like to make reproductions of, or collect, unusual equipment, then do consider joining the SAA and expanding your interest.

You will be very welcome.

For further information visit our website at:

Or contact the Hon Sec Mrs V. Soar -
Or write to: 29 Batley Court, Oldland, S.Glos. BS30 8YZ