To be honest I'm not quite inteded in arms, mainly I need help ad I offer hep too....Fist of all sorry for my english, here in Galiza is not a useful lenguage, neither in school nor in university, a problem we must to solve te come into the world....I'm actually working in an spanish oriental art forum, at the moment is in construction, and I'm adding diferent parts slowly, my especiality is porcelain, but, because in my country the knowledge around this subjet is quite small and I considered necessary work in all of the oriental diferent art opera, too armory. well, in fact I get a Katana a few days ago, I habe some information bring me from the old owner, he bring me it free, and I habe no matter not to belive he but the historic memory is always dificult to belive, isn't it? The Katana came to Spain acros Philipinas at the end of the 19th century, wen we lost this place, actualy I only conseve the tsuba, the blade ad rests of the saya, no a lot sure. If you cold say me anything about the tsuba, I'll be so gratefull and you 'll can use my small knuwledge wen you want, I don't understand a lot about this swords, but I can say you the ald owner clean all the parts uncorrectly, the blade, if you want I'll show you later, but I think is not something special. Well thaks for all and nice to meet you.