I thought some here may enjoy seeing this.
Ever since making an integrally belted medieval scabbard I have wanted to see if it was possible to tye a belt in such a manner that would allow a sword to be hung with the same kind of rigid security, but not require any metal work. I am personally not sure if this is an already documented method of securing a scabbard, but I have found it to be quite secure. I think this method would be suitable for scabbards with no rigging at all, or work well with one or two slits cut into the front , which we see in late viking age scabbards from england. This method also would work well with earlier swords that have a " belt bridge". It can be adjusted so the straps perpendicular to the blade are tight together and hang the sword at a slight angle, or even spaced wider apart (3" or so)to carry the sword at a 45 degree angle.
The best part is that the belt can be removed easily, to allow the sword and scabbard to be displayed without the belt attatched.