Hello everyone. I just wanted to post this upcoming opportunity for training in New York City:
Participants from all over the US and abroad will come together in New York City July 3rd – 9th, 2011 to train for one intensive week with the Art of Combat company in the skills needed to create extraordinary fights for stage and screen. Classes (taught by Jared Kirby, John Lennox and Kyle Rowling) will include stage combat, historical fencing, acting the fight, finding your angles and much more. The workshop will culminate in a show that will be performed in New York City.

This workshop is an immersion into the AoC company which has been actively transferring historical combat styles to stage and film for over a decade. Members are trained in historical combat styles and learn how to make them safe and replicable for stage and screen. Our training and expertise has enhanced theatre, film and TV with authentic and realistic combat sequences all around the world.

The week is structured so that you will get the most out of it. You can register at one of three levels, based on your skill level and what you want to learn: “Combatant”, “On Track” or “Fight Director”. For more information go to http://www.artofcombat.org/Workshops/nyc.htm