
Martinez Academy of Arms is proud to announce that Anthony De Longis and PALPABLE HIT PRODUCTIONS have produced our third instructional DVD set. This newest addition to our instructional series is on the French School of small-sword. "L'École Française: A Practical and Combative Guide to the French Small-sword". Maestro Jeannette Acosta-Martínez teaches the material, with the assistance of Maestro Ramón Martínez, Instructor Cecil Longino and advanced student Mr. Alexander Petrovski.

This DVD set is designed to serve as a guide to comprehending the theory and proper technical execution of the French School as it was practiced in the18th century with the small-sword. For the first time ever on DVD the basics of fencing with the small-sword are dealt with in a detailed and simple, comprehensible form, for the modern swordsman training without a master.

For a limited time this three-Disk DVD set will be offered for $69.95 USD. This special discount is only available for advanced orders and exclusively through our website. L'École Française will be released in the beginning of November and will then retail for $79.95 USD. For detailed information please go to our website. http://www.martinez-destreza.com/lecolefrancaise.htm

The Swordsman's Shop &
Martinez Academy of Arms