
This summer we held a small event at Geneforny Sweden.
It was quite fun and Thorkild and his friends from Poland was our guests. He has said that he wants to return next year.

We are now talking about arranging an event summer of 2009.
We are planning a 3 day event. We will invite people from all over that are interested in Ironage/Vendel/Viking times. We will arrange for workshops, lectures, various crafts, competitions and combat traning. An event for exchange between groups with similar intrests.
We will ofcourse arrange for a feast aswell. This years feast we had a whole grilled raindeer wich was really nice.

So on to my questions.

Is this of interest?
Would you like to come?
Would you like to hold a workshop?
What workshops would you like?

All feedback would be appreciated.

Here are some pics of the Village



