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Russ Ellis
Industry Professional
Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 11:57 am Post subject: Collecting Goals? |
So what are your collecting goals anyway? Personally it's been a long stated goal of mine to own every piece that Arms and Armor produces. However even beyond that I want to eventually own a quality sword of every Oakeshott type. After that I might focus on ones have a particular pommel or cross type etc. So how about you? Are you collecting by time period? Are you collecting only pieces from a specific maker? What are your goals?
TRITONWORKS Custom Scabbards
Patrick Jones

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 12:07 pm Post subject: |
You mean to say I need a motivation beyond "see it, want it, got it"?
Seriously, I find myself sharing your idea of possibly owning a sword that represents each Oakeshott classification. If not the entire range, then at least several! My first sword was the AT/CF Sword of the Ranger, which is a Type XIIa -- I think. I'm almost-but-not-quite interested in buying the Ranger II, because it's the same sword type -- and I already own one of that type. The difficulty will be in learning the fine nuances of using each of these different types, a difficulty compounded by the fact that my current level of expertise is "swing-away-from-me-hopefully-TOWARD-target"!
My collection so far (if I may aspire to that grandiose term) is a Del Tin Sword of St. Maurice (Turin) -- Type X (I think), and the Ranger - Type XII. And this morning, I just ordered the EKS MKII (MS1501) from All Saint's Blades! I'll have to dig up my "Records" to determine that blade type.
Timothy Gulics

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 12:17 pm Post subject: |
See it, want it, got it.
Although lately my goal is to fill my collection with higher quality blades like Albion, ATrim/CF, and A&A. There are still a lot of fantasy swords and such out there, mostly United Cutlery stuff, that appeal to me but I want to avoid wallhangers unless they REALLY catch my eye.
The Lord of the Rings items are awesome... I won't collect ALL of them, but I will collect most of them.
Also, other collectors items... like the Conan Atlantean and Father's swords, the Discerner, and the Vic Anselmo sword from Albion.
The sword is my companion.
Jeremy V. Krause
Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 12:58 pm Post subject: |
I guess my direction for the future is to collect swords and other weapons of the high middle ages (1000-1300) I also am committed to owning an entire ensemble (hist. accurate clothing and armour- the WHOLE thing of a mid-level infantryman of around 1100-1150). The only problem is that whenever I have money I want to but weapons not clothing. I want to start purchasing most of my swords hand-forged, but the Next Gen's are so tempting! I want very badly to one day own a PJ and/or VE. I have no interest in purchasing fantasy swords, but I do appreciate the craftsmanship.
David Quivey

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 2:12 pm Post subject: |
I'm with the "see it, want it" crowd, only I have to end with "can't afford it"
Personally, I am absolutely potty over most European blades, from the Older Than Dirt catagory up to Napoleanic (gotta love that 1796 pattern Light Cav saber...)
Last edited by David Quivey on Fri 02 Apr, 2004 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shawn Mulock

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 2:23 pm Post subject: |
My goal is to collect an armory suitable for a Renaissance Gentleman. a few long swords, a few percussion instruments, a quality cut & thrust sword, a good sword and buckler and maybe a set of harness...
So far I have a Lutel 15010, A Heimrick Fechtbuch sword and soon a custum A&A Bastard Sword .
Next up will be a Gustav Rapier and Dagger set.
Then an A&A buckler, Albion's Regent and then either Albion's Sovereign or A&A's Lord of Milan.
In the percussion department maybe a Lutel 17009, an A&A Iberian Mace and a heater shield. I am also looking at a halberd or pollax too.
Top it off with some brigandine, a heum and a set of 3/4 or full harness.
So not very ambitious at all...
"It is not what you have, but what you have done".
Sean Flynt

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 2:34 pm Post subject: |
Deciding to concentrate only on infantry swords (admittedly an ill-defined category before the 17th c.) was liberating. I wanted so many things from so many periods, but when I forced myself to determine which weapons are MOST appealing to me in form, function and historical context, I immediately lost interest in acquiring certain replicas I'd long admired (the 1796, the mortuary sword, polearms, etc.). My small collection is now more managable in terms of exhibition space and in terms of being able to understanding how the individual items relate to each other. I realized that I now need only one or two more replicas to have centuries 14-20 represented in my collection. I need two plain swords to represent dismounted combat in the 15th and 16 centuries. That's a very achievable goal, but couldn't be articulated if I were just buying everything I liked the look of (but, for those with the money and space to do that, more power to you).
Author of the Little Hammer novel
Stephen A. Fisher

Location: Kentucky USA Joined: 17 Oct 2003
Posts: 455
Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 5:00 pm Post subject: |
"Are you collecting by time period?"
My real interests are in the 18th century, (smallswords, hangers, cuttoes, sabres, basket-hilts, spadroons, cutlasses). As for my goals, I'd have to split it into 2 categories.
My goal is to collect more specific examples of antique smallswords which represent the many hilt and blade varieties (type 113 hilt, colichemarde blade, etc.) that were found on the smallsword from the late 17th-early 19th century. Also, I'd like to find several more antique fencing weapons, in particular a 19th century duelling sword. Also, I'm pretty fond of 18th century hangers, both civilian & military regulated patterns. I'd like to add a few more down the road.
I hadn't really planned on buying any more "mass produced" reproductions, but I still find myself wanting to check a few of them out, such as the Del Tin smallsword & Hanwei Scottish basket-hilt (SH2002).
High-end: I currently have 2 custom swords ordered, one from Arms & Armor & the other from Erik Stevenson. Apart from those two, I'd really like to add another A&A #069 smallsword to my collection, or their #170 French rapier. And from Albion Armorers, if they ever get around to it , the Trafalgar British naval cutlass.
That about sums it up.
William Goodwin

Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 5:09 pm Post subject: |
Goals as far as collecting are pretty limited to what the bank account allows for. After my Armour Class Mortuary arrives (12 + weeks),next on the list are a Del-Tin Schiavona, then a MRL Falchion. I'll continue with my U-C LOTR stuff also, but I gotten what I really was after as far as that. Well except for the the big Elvish Warrior blade.
But like everything else, something else will strike a nerve that will be a must for my collection sooner or later.
Steve Fabert
Posted: Fri 02 Apr, 2004 5:32 pm Post subject: |
Since my interests take me only into the mid 15th Century, nearly every want and wish I could possibly have is being met by the folks at Albion and A&A. Acquiring one of each of their offerings that especially catch my eye should keep me busy well into my retirement years.
It is really amazing that there are so many excellent swords now readily available, spanning the entire range of eras and interests. Only a few years ago it was hard to find more than a handful of really good reproductions, and those could be bought only by special order with seemingly interminable waits. Whatever any collector might want is either in production, on the drawing boards, or likely to be in the foreseeable future.
Kirk Lee Spencer

Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 7:40 am Post subject: Swords and Sabers |
My collecting goals fall into two categories--Swords and Sabers. In both cases I would like to document the evolutionary process: Swords from pointy sticks to baskethilts and sabers from clubs to hangers. The saber progression is still undeveloped. But it will include:
Bronze Mace
Pole Axe
Early Seax
Early Steppe Saber
Dutch Cutlass
The sword progression will be divided into five categories: Bronze, Celtic, Migration, Knightly and Complex Hilts.
Each category should have three representative swords (Early, Middle and Late). I would like to staying as close to individual historic examples (type swords). Most of the collection would be modify existing productions swords or build from commissioned parts. I would like for each sword to show a historic progression, not only in total form but in each part--Pommels, Grips, Cross and Blade. I may have to diverge from specific historic examples well into the realm of pure design, but I am finding this happens very rarely (mostly in the transition from Celtic to Migration forms).
Once completed I envision a collection of about 20-30 swords most under $200 total cost which would show the beautiful, fluid growth of sword and saber forms throughout the last four thousand years.
Two swords
Lit in Eden’s flame
One of iron and one of ink
To place within a bloody hand
One of God or one of man
Our souls to one of
Two eternities
Jim Lindsey

Location: Arlington, Texas Joined: 24 Aug 2003
Posts: 101
Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 8:12 am Post subject: |
Wow ... so many good swords being mentioned here ... and a lot of great goals and interests for collecting.
My interests in swords is very broad, but because of now enjoying the "single" life again, my spending will be really restrained. So, my own personal goals for future swords will be Albion's Conan Destroyer & Father's Sword, the Vic Anselmo Sword and then maybe the Lord of the Rings Anduril, Glamdring and Sting (simplly because I really like the look of them) ... all acquired over a long period of time, of course. I'd also love to see a real suit of armor make its way into my collection someday.
Of course, I say all this now (about limiting my spending on swords), but there are so many Albion swords I'd love to have and Albion's Next Gen line and the Peter Johnsson line have really caught my eye in such a way that I can't help but feel there'll be a Next Gen or two and a PJ sword finding their way into my collection at some point in the future.
"And so it shall be that in the days of peace, one sword shall keep another in its scabbard."
Have a great day ! Best Regards,
Joe Fults
Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 11:01 am Post subject: |
To have 5-7 pieces I really like without breaking the bank.
Then to actually learn how to use some of them.
"The goal shouldn’t be to avoid being evil; it should be to actively do good." - Danah Boyd
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 12:09 pm Post subject: |
I've gone through several sets of goals since I started collecting in 1997. From having a variety of grip treatments, combinations of single-handed, bastard and two-handers, to throwing in rapiers or basket hilts. At one point, I had three cruciform single-handers, a developed hilt single-hander, two hand and a halfs, a rapier and a basket hilt.
My collection has shrunk in size, but I'm happier with it now. Instead of just wanting more swords, I want better swords.
My current goal is to have 5 to 7 swords with these characteristics: good quality, useable and appropriate weight and balance, visually interesting, and within historic parameters all around. I prefer swords based on a specific historic example, though my ArmArt and upcoming Sovereign aren't. I also want a well-rounded set of daggers. I currently have a dirk, sgian dubh, sgian achles, and sword-hilted dagger. I'd like to add a good ballock dagger, and a good rondel dagger to the mix. I have 2 helms, but may get rid of one. I'm more into arms that armour.
Roger Hooper

Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 12:20 pm Post subject: |
My collecting goals aren't well articulated. I usually have an emotional reaction to a specific design that I see and plop my money down for it. I have a general goal to cover all periods in the development of the European sword starting from around 600 AD, but there are plenty of time periods for which I have no weapon. I have a list of about 5 or 6 swords that I might be interested in buying someday -- some I end up getting, others can stay on the list for years and eventually drop off, to be replaced by another desired design. And sometimes it's just I see, I like, I buy.
Gary Grzybek
Location: Stillwater N.J. Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 559
Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 2:25 pm Post subject: |
Honestly I'm not sure if my goal could ever be satisfied. There's always something else you know
Conservatively speaking I would like to have examples from all time periods and most cultures starting with the bronze age to the late renaissance. The Asian stuff I can do without since it never really interested me.
What vendors would I like these to come from?
Well, there are some custom guys out there that really impress me but if it's more production stuff then Albion is my first choice then Arms & Armour.
That should keep me buisy for a while
Gary Grzybek
ARMA Northern N.J.
Jeremiah Swanger
Posted: Sat 03 Apr, 2004 2:41 pm Post subject: Definitely |
Jeremy V. Krause wrote: | I guess my direction for the future is to collect swords and other weapons of the high middle ages (1000-1300) I also am committed to owning an entire ensemble (hist. accurate clothing and armour- the WHOLE thing of a mid-level infantryman of around 1100-1150). The only problem is that whenever I have money I want to but weapons not clothing. I want to start purchasing most of my swords hand-forged, but the Next Gen's are so tempting! I want very badly to one day own a PJ and/or VE. I have no interest in purchasing fantasy swords, but I do appreciate the craftsmanship. |
I plan on doing something similar, assembling the persona of a knight of the Teutonic orders, or maybe even something Scandinavian of the same time period. I'm considering swords of Types XI or any of the XIII's, so you can imagine how ecstatic I was to see Albion's Ritter sword- fits what I'm going for like a glove. I've also taken to the Duke, however, and there are a few later-period stuff from ATrim that I've been seriously considering for cutting purposes.
From A&A, I'd really like to handle the 15th Century Two-hander. I've always been very curious to find out how one of these handles.
I'd definitely like to go with an early 15th century Swiss or Italian hand-and-a-half, with a fishtail pommel, at some point, as I've always considered them both aesthetically-pleasing and unique.
For WMA purposes, I've started eyeing some pointed Longswords, a lightweight singlehander (for sword-and-buckler), a grossemesser, and various polearms.
"Rhaegar fought nobly.
Rhaegar fought valiantly.
Rhaegar fought honorably.
And Rhaegar died."
- G.R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
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