Hello my fellow comrades of this truly wonderful and obsessive hobby. I just found this website which spider webs out to numerous other websites each with learning resources.
Perhaps some are familiar with this website, but it's definitely worth a "click" to check this out for yourselves! I just now found and bookmarked it. Looks to be one of those far reaching websites, I found a couple of such goldmine websites in the 7 years I spent on my maternal ancestry, now it looks as though I found a goldmine of learning resources about
"Swords"! And there is no interest in my lifetime that can compare with my LOVE for our common obsessive hobby we share in Collecting Historic Arms and Armour.
I awoke late in life to this passion, in 2005, already my collection is large, plus over 100 books, a multitude of DVDs, documentaries and movies. Over 2 years now and "The Honeymoon Is Still Going on" :!:


Looks to be an Outstanding Website!

I Hope I have Been of Help and Service to My Community of Sword Lovers!
