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:wtf: Now I have to add the German Bastard I to my dream armoury... When will it end? :confused:
Re: *SIGH*
Shawn Mulock wrote:
:wtf: Now I have to add the German Bastard I to my dream armoury... When will it end? :confused:

Exactly...that and the Talhoffer are just what the Doctor ordered :D

What's laying around here that I can sell?
new lineup
Gots ta have da IRISH!!!!

Just something I noticed and was curious about; how do you determine which swords have the "The first 25 swords will come with a certificate of authenticity signed by Peter Johnsson and the Albion artisans" thing with them? I just noticed that some have this and others don't (new and "old" next gens alike)? Not that important all things considered, I was just curious.
Will the Earl be on the same blade as the Regent with the bottle-stopper pommel like the Mercenary? It certainly has features I appreciate in the new XVa's on a blade I can't get enough of! Hmmmm.....
Steve Maly wrote:
Will the Earl be on the same blade as the Regent with the bottle-stopper pommel like the Mercenary? It certainly has features I appreciate in the new XVa's on a blade I can't get enough of! Hmmmm.....

Same blade :D

I like the beefier guard against that blade as opposed to the Regent.
Sweet! Any ballpark specs on the new Crecy? Specifically, handle length?
Nate C. wrote:
Just something I noticed and was curious about; how do you determine which swords have the "The first 25 swords will come with a certificate of authenticity signed by Peter Johnsson and the Albion artisans" thing with them? I just noticed that some have this and others don't (new and "old" next gens alike)? Not that important all things considered, I was just curious.

Hi Nate,

The first 25 swords from each and every model will have a cert. Some of these have not shipped yet because Peter still has to sign them and he is only in the US twice a year. I managed to get the certificates signed from the very first wave of next gen's (about 25-30 models) and it took me a few hours, but it all got done in one sitting.

I'm not sure who else will be signing these, but I know for sure that it will be Peter (of course), Eric, and myself.
here we go again...............................
ohh well, why fight it. i just wont win........................lets see, the earl, the ringeck, and the german bastard I for me........i tell you howie your swords just keep getting better and better man. you all deserve every bit of business that you get........now how do i get these past the wife???????
Howard Waddell wrote:
A sneak peek at the still unfinished next NextGen lineup -- most of the individual pages are not finished (text wise) but you will get an idea of prices, etc...




I really like this one.

Only one problem.

Now I have no excuse to call Mike and bug him about getting you guys to make something more or less like it.

A perfectly good hobby lost!
Patrick Kelly wrote:
Jason Elrod wrote:
Oh man. Is that an S-guard on the Earl? If it is then I have to have one. I just can't resist this sword. Especially since it seems to be using the Regent Blade. Oh my god! Sign me up! Now I just have to put the money together.

Joe Fults will really love that one. :D

I didn't realize I was making that much of a fuss. :eek:
These new models really cause a huge quandry for me.

I pretty much have to get the Earl on priciple and I really want to get the German Bastard 1 on principle and I really like the Ringek and Fiore.

AND I probably can only even contemplate buying one because of tuition. Guess that's part of being adult though. Priority over fun. :)
Jason Dingledine wrote:
The first 25 swords from each and every model will have a cert. Some of these have not shipped yet because Peter still has to sign them and he is only in the US twice a year. I managed to get the certificates signed from the very first wave of next gen's (about 25-30 models) and it took me a few hours, but it all got done in one sitting.

Having bought three NextGen swords that were among the first 25, (Squire, Vinland, and Laird) does this mean that I should be watching my mailbox? :D
Ordered a Mercenary. Probably next week I'll order a (Squire Line)15th C Bastard, and after that I'll need I mean want a Sherriff and an Agincourt. And of course their Squire Line counterparts, if those will ever be made.
And then a pair of cleavers, possibly a Baron and a Squire Line 13th C Great Sword.

In the meantime Albion should be working on their rapier lineup, because I'll want those next.

Can I afford all that? Not really but I'll buy them anyway. I hope I'll look 'period' dressed in rags. :lol:
Stephen Pearson wrote:
Jason Dingledine wrote:
The first 25 swords from each and every model will have a cert. Some of these have not shipped yet because Peter still has to sign them and he is only in the US twice a year. I managed to get the certificates signed from the very first wave of next gen's (about 25-30 models) and it took me a few hours, but it all got done in one sitting.

Having bought three NextGen swords that were among the first 25, (Squire, Vinland, and Laird) does this mean that I should be watching my mailbox? :D

I guess I'm due certificates for the Gotland and the Castellan. I'm not sure if I was in the first 25 for th Sovereign.
Earl pommel
Beautiful swords guys....there isn't one that I don't covet (wife's term :) ) Like a lot of folks in these postings, I now know where my disposable income will be going....

Do my eyes deceive me or will the pommel for the Earl be "hollow ground" - similar to the Brescia? Also, the verbal description indicates a hex section to the grip...will the edges align with the edges of the pommel? Sounds difficult to execute, but the vertical alignment of the Regent (spline of blade/central ridge on grip/vertical axis of pommel) is one of the most amazingly harmonic designs I have seen in the production world. Seems like a great design opportunity, but a man can only expect so much detail without having to jump into the next price range.

If too early in the design/development phase to answer, no problem...I'm just looking for input to help make my decision. I have a tough choice to make...Regent, Earl, or Bastard II.......Good news is that I can't possibly go wrong!
Re: Earl pommel
Charles Southall wrote:
Beautiful swords guys....there isn't one that I don't covet (wife's term :) ) Like a lot of folks in these postings, I now know where my disposable income will be going....

Do my eyes deceive me or will the pommel for the Earl be "hollow ground" - similar to the Brescia? Also, the verbal description indicates a hex section to the grip...will the edges align with the edges of the pommel? Sounds difficult to execute, but the vertical alignment of the Regent (spline of blade/central ridge on grip/vertical axis of pommel) is one of the most amazingly harmonic designs I have seen in the production world. Seems like a great design opportunity, but a man can only expect so much detail without having to jump into the next price range.

If too early in the design/development phase to answer, no problem...I'm just looking for input to help make my decision. I have a tough choice to make...Regent, Earl, or Bastard II.......Good news is that I can't possibly go wrong!


The pommel on the Earl draws its inspiration from a sword in OakeshottŽs "Records". It is the XVIIIa.2 on page 187.
The pommel is a pretty typical scent stoper, only that the top faces are slightly hollowed. More rounded in shape than the pommel on the "Brescia", but the same principle.
This who think the "Brescia" is too sharp ned not worry with this one. The ridges are less sharp and the whole shape is more rounded.
The grip is going to be oval in section on the "Earl". The top end of the grip will align with the octagonal shape of the pommel but not with sharp ridges. A more rounded effect is what youŽll experience. The difference between octagonal and round is less than between hexagonal and round, that is the reason we are not going to cut sharp planes in the upper part of th grip to align it with the pommel.

This is all to add variation and contrast to the "Regent". The two swords are going to have diferent visual character but very similar handling charactersitics. I am going to aim for a pivot point even further towards the point on the Earl, but the diference will be very slight.

Hope this hepls clarify some of the character of the "Earl".

The sword that offered inspiration for the pommel:

 Attachment: 6.87 KB


Thanks for the explanation. I like this pommel very much ( of course, I like the Brescia's as well). The reasoning on the grip makes sense - especially given your goal of creating a character distinct from the Regent.

Hmmm....guess I still need to buy 3 swords.
Some really nice models in this new update.

I was wondering, will we see the same variety of pommel/guard variants for the Regent /Earl XVIII (a? b?) as we are seeing for the XVa models?

I really liked the Earl, and was millimeters away from reserving one, but was not so thrilled with the recurved guard. I guess I am the anti-Joe Fults. :) That guard style made it a "must" for him but a deal-breaker for me!

So do you think we will see different guard and pommel styles with this blade type, guards like the Castellan/Talhoffer or downcurved guards?


Nathan Bell wrote:
Some really nice models in this new update.

I was wondering, will we see the same variety of pommel/guard variants for the Regent /Earl XVIII (a? b?) as we are seeing for the XVa models?

I really liked the Earl, and was millimeters away from reserving one, but was not so thrilled with the recurved guard. I guess I am the anti-Joe Fults. :) That guard style made it a "must" for him but a deal-breaker for me!

So do you think we will see different guard and pommel styles with this blade type, guards like the Castellan/Talhoffer or downcurved guards?



I *do* want to keep some hilt styles to explore with a future slimmer XVIIIb that I have in mind (Nothing certain as when that blade is going in production...).
There are no immediate plans to offer yet another hilt for the "Regent" blade. I would not say never, though...

Perhaps it would be possible to offer an alternative guard for the Earl, but I am not sure how that would be possible production wise?

And Nathan, even if you do not realise it yet, you actually *love* s-curved guards! It is a love that still slumbers in your deep subconscious ;) :D

Last edited by Peter Johnsson on Wed 09 Feb, 2005 9:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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