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Jan Downs

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 5:39 am    Post subject: MRL Towton discontinued         Reply with quote

Just FYI for anyone thinking about getting this sword from MRL: they are out of them and there won't be anymore. Sad

I ordered a Shrewsbury instead and am saving up for an Albion Squire line now. Big Grin


Jan Downs

for God's sake strike true, man!
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Chris HusVar

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 7:33 am    Post subject: Towton discontinued?!?         Reply with quote

That's weird. I just got their latest catalog and it's still listed. Man, that one was on my list too. Figures... Cry
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Greyson Brown

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 10:04 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I had that happen to me. I wanted to get a Ravenna right after they had discontinued them. Check with By The Sword, Reliks, or Kult of Athena. They all carry Windlass stuff, and there is a chance that they still have a few in stock. Kult of Athena especially keeps things in stock. There might be one hanging on a wall in their showroom.


You might be able to return that Shrewsbury. I tend to discourage returning legit purchases (if you ordered a Shrewsbury, and they sent you a Shrewsbury, I don't see that as their problem), but they do have a reputation for being rather understanding and having a great return policy.

I'm curious, which Albion Squire Line?


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Lloyd Clark

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 12:55 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Kult of Athena states that they have them in stock.

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Sean Flynt

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hooray! One less temptation!

Unless it shows up as a Weekly Special. In that case, I'll probably be cleaning off another shelf.

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Carl Goff

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 2:01 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Nngh. That was one of like two Windlass swords I really wanted, the other being their falchion. Mad
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Kenton Spaulding

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 2:53 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Yup, I would say that the Towton was the only Windlass that I would have given real consideration at this point. I thought it was their best model. Weird how these things go.

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Carl Goff

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 8:59 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I think Windlass's fantasy stuff sells better. They make very pretty fantasy stuff, but I'd much prefer to have a Towton. Man, why'd this have to happen when I've got no way of raising money in a hurry? Sad
Oh, East of sands and sunlit gulf, your blood is thin, your gods are few;
You could not break the Northern wolf and now the wolf has turned on you.
The fires that light the coasts of Spain fling shadows on the Eastern strand.
Master, your slave has come again with torch and axe in his right hand!
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D. Rosen

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 9:08 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

It seems like a foolish move. I don't know how it sells, but of most of their models, it seems to be one of the most highly regarded MRL swords here. Perhaps they intend to induce last minute sales now, and have it come back (like the Katzbalger, etc.) later. (I want that Scottish backsword Big Grin ) Maybe Mr. Reinhardt can tell us something about it.
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Joe Fults

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PostPosted: Wed 01 Mar, 2006 9:15 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Sean Flynt wrote:
Hooray! One less temptation!

Unless it shows up as a Weekly Special. In that case, I'll probably be cleaning off another shelf.

Why do the good die young?

Having handled a couple, the good dying young is debatable. Wink

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Jan Downs

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PostPosted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 12:02 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hey Grey,

I actually decided to get the Shrews instead, just because the price is so good. I just want a sword i can practice some of the Ochs DVD stuff with. I wanted the Towton because I thought I could kill two birds with one purchase (practice sword/fun cutter) but what the heck, the Squire Line has a good price point.

As far as the Albion Squire line, I'm thinking I want that bastard sword. I really like the simple clean lines and pointy point.

Plus given my new found obsession with altering my sword grips, the Shrewsbury seems a good candidate for a project.. Big Grin

for God's sake strike true, man!
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Jan Downs

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PostPosted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 12:08 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I want one of the falchions, too. I hope they don't discontinue that one before I get a chance to pick it up. Worried
for God's sake strike true, man!
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Greyson Brown

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PostPosted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 2:29 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Jan Downs wrote:
Hey Grey,

I actually decided to get the Shrews instead, just because the price is so good. I just want a sword i can practice some of the Ochs DVD stuff with. I wanted the Towton because I thought I could kill two birds with one purchase (practice sword/fun cutter) but what the heck, the Squire Line has a good price point.

As far as the Albion Squire line, I'm thinking I want that bastard sword. I really like the simple clean lines and pointy point.

Plus given my new found obsession with altering my sword grips, the Shrewsbury seems a good candidate for a project.. Big Grin

No loss then. If the Shrews does what you want, that's the important part.

I have debated getting the SL Bastard, but it doesn't really fit the 14th century, and I am trying to collect stuff from that era at the moment. Still, people seem to be rather happy with that sword.

It's amasing how obsessed one can get with re-wrapping grips. I've redone almost all of my MRL sword grips and a mace, and have wrapped a waster and a Mag-Lite. I keep looking for more things. Then I refer to the list of possible riser configurations that I made (and keep adding to), and see what would work best.


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Chad Arnow
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PostPosted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 6:30 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

D. Rosen wrote:
Maybe Mr. Reinhardt can tell us something about it.

According to Hank's posts here, his consulting contract with MRL is done. Plus, he says they haven't listened to him in 10 years. Happy


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Bob Burns

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PostPosted: Thu 02 Mar, 2006 11:04 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Wow am I glad I read this thread, I bought the last one at Kult of Athena and go pick it up today 3/3. I had almost bought it the last time I was there a few weeks ago, something about the Towton was calling me, then I read this thread and got a hold of K of A in time to get the last one. Man that was a close one! Eek!

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Greyson Brown

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PostPosted: Fri 03 Mar, 2006 2:35 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Bob Burns wrote:
Wow am I glad I read this thread, I bought the last one at Kult of Athena and go pick it up today 3/3. I had almost bought it the last time I was there a few weeks ago, something about the Towton was calling me, then I read this thread and got a hold of K of A in time to get the last one. Man that was a close one! Eek!


Well, now we know whose house to besiege.... Razz


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Bob Burns

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PostPosted: Fri 03 Mar, 2006 3:19 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi Greyson Laughing Out Loud If it were not for myArmoury, I would have missed out on this sword and I would have been bummed out. Woke up early (off work today) probably from excitement, even though this is not a high end sword, still it is a very good midrange sword and it's my first sword of the thrusting as a primary type other than my A&A 3 Ring Italian Rapier.
It also helps me bide my time as I await the production of my Albion Vassal which I don't expect to be ready till the end of the year. No big hurry, I by far prefer they take their time and perfect it as they do all their swords at Albion.
Funny, I came so close to buying the Towton 3 or 4 weeks ago, it was like I sensed something as I looked at it hanging on the wall and asked to handle it once again. I am also grateful for Chad Arnow's review on the Towton, I tell ya this website has become the all important website to me. So much to learn, especially for me as I am in my first year, but I will be learning in my 30th year as well.

I will be at Kult of Athena when they open this morning. Laughing Out Loud

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Joe Fults

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PostPosted: Fri 03 Mar, 2006 7:46 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Bob Burns wrote:
...still it is a very good midrange sword

Have a care using it. I've seen and handled two of them. While they feel and look OK, one failed spectacularly on the owner while cutting not long after I got to dry handle it.

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Bob Burns

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PostPosted: Fri 03 Mar, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks Joe, will do on the precautionary warning, it was thoughtful of you to bring this to my attention. I picked up the Towton this morning and it was indeed the last one in the store. Ryan said he had put in an order for a few more and the order was taken but he said in the past he has had orders taken and they are never filled. So it's kind of a "crap shoot" as to whether he will get any more in. He does have a few of the MRL Falchions left but the scabbards do not fit well, in fact the one he could not get the sword out of the scabbard. However, once out of the scabbard for the money it's a very nice sword. The grip seemed a bit narrow to me but all in all it did have a nice feel to it. Although admittedly I was checking it out to get some vague idea on how the Vassal will feel, though I would not remotely compare a $1,000.00 Albion Vassal to an MRL Falchion Laughing Out Loud ! Mine is going to have an ox blood grip on it and it will be a beautiful end of the year acquisition! Mine is ordered thru Kult of Athena. I had noticed a couple of posts expressing interest in the MRL Falchion which has also been discontinued and just wanted to alert those interested that K of A has a few but there is a bit of trouble with the scabbards fitting correctly, which of course Ryan is not thrilled about but that's the way he got them, but for $180.00 or whatever it seemed worth it to me.
Oh, I bought the Windlass hewing viking spear head too, which is $45.00, gonna mount it on a 6' 6" purpleheart pole after I sharpen it up.

Also, pertaining to Windlass not being sharpened prior to purchase except thru a paid sharpening service, I had written an email to Windlass and they informed me that it had to do with the shipping laws of India prohibiting them from sending sharpened merchandise.

Well for those who wanted the Towton and were going to get it from K of A, I guess you know who to go hunting after! Laughing Out Loud

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Stephen Hughes

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PostPosted: Mon 06 Mar, 2006 5:13 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I picked up the Towton today at Reliks in London, Ontario. I had been dreaming about it for a while, since it was discounted a bit on account of a little scoring on the guard. They tell me that they have more coming in April (the one I purchased was the last in the store). Since they are a Windlass dealer in a different country, and not affiliated with MRL, sometimes they still get things that are discontinued by MRL but not necessarily by Windlass (at least that is how it was explained to me - nevermind that I thought Windlass owned MRL in it's entirety).

Of course if MRL won't retail it, eventually it won't be available up North here, as there's not much reason for Windlass to make a particular model in case they might sell one or two in such a small market. Nonetheless, for those of you who desperately want a Towton, you should be able to get one from

As for the Shrewsbury as a susbsitute... I have them both side by side here and can say that the Towton is a superior sword in many ways. The Shrewsbury is a wonderful quality for the price, but the Towton is better balanced, transfers less vibration through the blade, handles better one or two-handed, and overall the furniture is prettier. I don't want to say bad things about the Shrewsbury... it was my first, and don't we all fondly remember our first? Yet I find them different enough from each other to warrant a distinction.
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