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Brian Downing

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PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2020 10:48 am    Post subject: Albion Viking swords         Reply with quote


I'm looking to may as informed a decision as possible. I'm looking at purchasing an Albion viking style sword, specifically the Jarl or the Huskarl. Can anyone give me any kind of comparison between the two? Does either feel lighter in hand than the other? One have more blade presence? Is one more agile? I know this is mostly subjective, but I'd like to hear from anyone who may have handled or owned both.
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J.D. Crawford

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PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2020 11:07 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Dear Brian,

I have had both. They are both very nice. I found the Jarl (which has a more tapered blade profile) to be a bit more agile, and the Huskarl (which has a straighter blade profile) to have more blade presence. Likewise the hilt furniture of the Jarl is a bit more delicate whereas the the Huskarl slightly more bulbous and bulky. I prefer the Huskarl, but it's a matter of taste.

Here's my review of the Huskarl:

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Brian Downing

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PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2020 11:25 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi JD,

Thank you for the information! I was leaning towards the Jarl until I read your review. Now I'm leaning more towards the Huskarl. The Jarl's pommel looks prettier but I get the impression the Huskarl would feel more authoritative in the hand. Does it still seem pretty agile to use?


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J.D. Crawford

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PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2020 11:57 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I wouldn't describe the Huskarl as quick, but its well within the parameters of what I would call a nice handling sword, appropriate for its type. Presumably the Hersir is similar because they share the same blade, but I haven't tried it.

If you want a really quick, attractive Albion Viking era sword, the Thegn is the one. I had a Thegn for a while last year but sold it. Its quite small and light compared to the others. I like the feel of a bigger, meatier sword.

Lastly, since we're talking about Albion Viking swords, last year I tried all three of the squire line models from Viking Shield. In general, they are all more sluggish compared to the NG line since they carry more weight in the blade. I thought the Vinland was most attractive, but handled the worst. The Gotland was pokey in the pommel and didn't do it for me. I passed those ones on. The Clontarf handled best so I kept it for practice. Most people seem to say the same thing about these.

Right now I've got a Berserker coming the in the mail (I hope!) I've always been intrigued by those Norse single-edged swords.

Good luck with your purchase. You really can't go wrong. They are both great swords.
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Brian Downing

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PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2020 3:26 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thank you JD! That's exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I had the Squire line Vinland for about a year and never liked how it handled. The balance seemed off. I was always reluctant to buy another Viking style sword thinking they would all handle that way. I'm glad it wasn't quite the case. I did have a H/T viking that I liked but didn't like the pommel or hilt. Think I'll give the Huskarl a shot!

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Kai Lawson

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PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2020 6:58 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I do t own a Hersir but I’ve dry handled them a few times, and I own a Jarl blade. I’ve directly compared those two, and while the Jarl blade has different furniture than the Albion model, I would call it a very agile sword, and rather light as well (2.28 lbs). The Hersir was perceptibly heavier, but the POB was actually closer to the hilt, and it felt ‘smoother,’ say. Not faster or more responsive, really, but maybe more fluid? The Albions have solid (?) pommel caps, and it drives the overall weight up, but also makes the sword feel different. Like a heavier or more authoritative but not really bulkier Reeve, if that makes sense. Hard to describe but not hard to notice.

I feel like the Jarl is in between the two, as a good all-rounder. Good blade presence, middling weight, longer grip/hilt space, etc...

J.D., the Berserker is a lovely, lovely handling sword. The looks don’t tickle me, but when you pick it up-!

"And they crossed swords."
--William Goldman, alias S. Morgenstern
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Brian Downing

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PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2020 5:58 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thank you Kai. From what you both have described I feel confident that the Huskarl will be my next sword. Sounds like it feels powerful in the hand. Doesn't sound like it would be difficult to control and would handle well enough to move where I want it to without having to use too much exertion to get it there. Probably a good companion sword fighting behind a shield. Thank you for your input and help.
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