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Not to change the subject...but........
I've sat here for the better part of an hour, and stared at the concept drawing of the 'Kern' on the Albion site. Is anyone as excited as I am to see a splendid Irish hilted cleaver such as this being put into steel? This sword is magnificent. I'm a true-blooded Scottish sword fan, but this little gem gets my Highland blood pumping. Hurry up, Albion!!! We need eye candy!!! mcm.
I agree with you Patrick. I've been waiting for a simple type X with a brazil nut pommel for quite some time.

Indeed. This has always been one of my favorite designs. Even though this sword would be superfluous in my collection I'll probably order one anyway, simply because I've always loved Type X's with brazil nut pommels!
The Bayeaux will be my 7th (free!) sword after the SoSM. To me the Bayeaux is the essence of the Cruciform sword -- a plain disc pommel and bar crossguard. Nothing fancy. Sounds like the SoSM and Bayeaux might be released about the same time, which is nice.
I will have two brazil-nuts in my collection anyway -- the Gaddhjalt and SoSM. I'm interested in comparing these two pommels (and swords) in person.

Brian M
Brian M wrote:
The Bayeaux will be my 7th (free!) sword after the SoSM. To me the Bayeaux is the essence of the Cruciform sword -- a plain disc pommel and bar crossguard. Nothing fancy. Sounds like the SoSM and Bayeaux might be released about the same time, which is nice.
I will have two brazil-nuts in my collection anyway -- the Gaddhjalt and SoSM. I'm interested in comparing these two pommels (and swords) in person.

Brian M

I'm way into brazil nuts (maybe I should try the food.) So I'm after the Reeve, the SOSMT, the SOSMV (from A&A), and the Gaddhjalt. Eventually. Good things come to those who wait.
I'm more interested in late Medieval swords, but I've got to say that the more I look at the Reeve, the more attractive it becomes to me. There can never be too many brazil nut pommeled models.
You'll like the Gaddhjalt. I find that it is reminiscent of the SoSMV in general appearance. I'll wait to see if Albion eventually tackles the SoSMV, although I'd expect it to be rather expensive due to the more extensive engraving on the pommel. It would definitely make a great companion piece to their SoSMT.
I wonder, if Albion does get around to the SoSMV, would they consider doing an unadorned version of the sword? It would be a nice option to have a copy of the sword as it existed before it was turned into a ceremonial sword.

Brian M
Brian M wrote:
You'll like the Gaddhjalt. I find that it is reminiscent of the SoSMV in general appearance. I'll wait to see if Albion eventually tackles the SoSMV, although I'd expect it to be rather expensive due to the more extensive engraving on the pommel. It would definitely make a great companion piece to their SoSMT.
I wonder, if Albion does get around to the SoSMV, would they consider doing an unadorned version of the sword? It would be a nice option to have a copy of the sword as it existed before it was turned into a ceremonial sword.

Brian M

You know, Brian, I'm willing to bet that Craig and crew at A&A can whip up a SoSM-V without the engravings.

Besides, I think the question of whether or not Albion will make this sword has already come up before, and the answer then was "no." There really is no point in doing so when A&A makes such a darned good one already! And for a very fair price, too...
I don't recall Albion ever addressing whether or not they planned on a SoSMV in the future. Of course, they have enough on their plate that it will certainly not be in the NEAR future, regardless!
If Peter Johnsson can secure access to the Vienna sword for documentation, I'm sure Albion can produce an accurate copy. The good thing is, with an academic resume which includes documenting the Turin Sword, I believe that Peter will be able to access the Vienna Sword as well.
Peter, when will you be publishing a book for us sword junkies?

Brian M
I was just on Albion's website. Pricing info is now up. Most (perhaps all) Albion NextGenerations are now Limited Edition items being made in 100-, 500-, or 1000-piece specimens. I'm seriously considering asking Mike to put me down for a Poitiers. While it wouldn't be my first purchase from Albion, it would be my first NextGen sword. I've never seen or held a NextGeneration sword, though I will at Chad's next month.

The Poitiers is based on a sword I've admired for years. I know you guys have seen it; the Type XV in the Wallace Collection (Records of the Medieval Sword, Type XV.7, page 133). Arms&Armor makes a very nice version of it; I can't wait to see what Albion's version will look like. -Ted
I'm curious, why the limited number fo pieces? is it going to be very difficult to obtain these because of the limited number?
Joel Chesser wrote:
I'm curious, why the limited number fo pieces? is it going to be very difficult to obtain these because of the limited number?

I hope this addresses your question

Aw man... A 100 pieces each of the messers?! :confused: :\
I think the limited quantities idea is a good one. It may eventually increase the value of your sword after purchase. However, I'd be surprised if the 500 or 1000 quantity items will be going out of production any time soon. That's a lot of swords.
Roger Hooper wrote:
I think the limited quantities idea is a good one. It may eventually increase the value of your sword after purchase. However, I'd be surprised if the 500 or 1000 quantity items will be going out of production any time soon. That's a lot of swords.

Yes, the 500 and 1000 range quantities might last a while. I'm more worried about the 100's. There aren't a lot of quality messers out there and seeing as to how the messer are an intergral part of the German fighting systems and probably on the rise when it comes to useage the messers are gonna disappear like rounds on an MG42 bullet belt. But, on the other hand: this is only assumptions on my part and I could be dead wrong. I'm just a lowly schmuck who likes to wield swords.

My point is: It might be good for the collector, but I don't know if it's as good for the person who actively trains with his swords and who might be looking for the right kind of tool for the job.
Joachim Nilsson wrote:
Aw man... A 100 pieces each of the messers?! :confused: :\

Hey, you never know. This short run could simply make room for some new messers :D
Gary Grzybek wrote:
Joachim Nilsson wrote:
Aw man... A 100 pieces each of the messers?! :confused: :\

Hey, you never know. This short run could simply make room for some new messers :D

Very, very true. :)

After all: They've already stated that the limited editions are just that to make room for new models and new kinds of swords. Which is nice.

I guess I'm just being paranoid and negative due to my current frame of mind. It hasn't been my intentions to piss on anyone or on Albion's decisions. I'm sure they know what they're doing. Feels kinda funny though if I were to recommend any praticioners getting an Albion messer for their training and then they run out of messers. :\ But, like I said: I'm just being paranoid and whiny. I should probaly stop before I make a complete ass out of myself.
The limits do add some pressure to those of us who have been sitting on the fence. I doubt this is entirely a coincidence. To send everyone into a complete frenzy Albion could put a counter on each page to show how many are left. Now that would be evil. I think I have to agree with Gary that this does increase the chance for more options more quickly. That is a good thing. I do also like the idea that some of their products could increase in value after they are no longer available.

Ben McCracken
Benjamin McCracken wrote:
The limits do add some pressure to those of us who have been sitting on the fence. I doubt this is entirely a coincidence. To send everyone into a complete frenzy Albion could put a counter on each page to show how many are left. Now that would be evil. I think I have to agree with Gary that this does increase the chance for more options more quickly. That is a good thing. I do also like the idea that some of their products could increase in value after they are no longer available.

Ben McCracken

Yeah. In all likelyhood I'm just being whiney and slightly obnoxious just because I up till now though I could sit on my lazy a*s and quietly and slowly save up money and buy the swords at a very slow pace. This puts a little more pressure on my economic handling abilities. :) :)
Joachim Nilsson wrote:
Gary Grzybek wrote:
Joachim Nilsson wrote:
Aw man... A 100 pieces each of the messers?! :confused: :\

Hey, you never know. This short run could simply make room for some new messers :D

Very, very true. :)

After all: They've already stated that the limited editions are just that to make room for new models and new kinds of swords. Which is nice.

I am quite interested in some of the other pieces that have the 100 piece limit. I may just have to put down 2 deposits rather than buy 1... pay them off as I can. I can say this... there are only 99 Vinlands left! :p Use the reservation deposit and payment plans if you feel the need... I'm sure Mike will take a reservation for them now, and you'll be earlier in the backlog queue when they start producing them.

One thing that has been mentioned... if there is enough interest in a model that went out of production, it may be brought back out of retirement for another certain number of pieces. The messers are further down on my priority list, but I would like to have them. If you get them and I don't, it'll be because I focused on the Viking and Anglo-Saxons that I wanted more. I'll be OK with that.
Joachim, don't feel bad. I was doing the same thing. I hope that my funds can come together in time to get the pieces i've been lusting over. Needless to say, I was a little upset when I saw the new limits. My first reaction was that this is just some sort of marketing scheme. Which did not make me very happy. After looking at some of the posts here I softened up and started to see some of the advantages.

Ben McCracken
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