The hand made buckles with steel buckle mounts are the ones that i've been making for the items i've been selling to cover outstanding commissions costs. The buckles and steel mounts have light decorative file and chisel work and include a mounting/attaching rivet and washer each. I'd like to get $2.50 plus shipping each ( so to say replace the 6 buckles on a set of plate legs it would cost you $15.00 plus shipping ). I can make more of these and can use steel rivets rather than brass if interested. Buckles are 5/8 inch.
The two pairs of finger bucklers are made from 16 gauge steel with rolled and counter sunk edges for strength. Lined with leather and stuffed with batting to pad the back of the hand. They are adjustable with hand made buckles with light file and chisel work decoration. They measure 5.5 inches across. Like to get $21 ( a good bit less than we used to sell them for ) a pair plus shipping.
I also still have the modified spaulders pictured below still avaliable. They are made from 16 gauge steel with rolled and countersunk and beveled edges where appropriate. Articulation is slot in the back and leather in the middle and front. They include hand made buckles and steel buckle mounts with light decorative file and chisel work. The edged of the lames have a nice three point scallope rather than the straight edge of the ones we used to make. The tops of the spaulders are set with pairs of eyelets for pointing but if desired I can install buckles for attachement to a gorget for no charge. I'd like to get $75.00 for the pair plus shipping ( if you want a set for them I can make them up ). We used to get $88.00 unadorned ones we made. I have 15 inch biscpets and took into account an arming garment and arm harness in construction. I can alter the curvature for size if neccessary.
Feel free to ask questions. Paypal, checks or money orders are fine.