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Haha! fantastic :lol:
Andrej Pfeiffer-Perkuhn wrote:
Here is a first picture of my Armour, which is nearly complete after more than five Years

Wow, Andrej. Your armor looks very fine to me! Don't want to meet you like this on a battle field... :o)

Scott Hrouda wrote:
Wow Boris, just wow! :eek: :)

I must say that I look forward to your posts with anticipation and envy. We all know you are quite an artisan, did you also make the helmet, dagger, sheath and belt purse highlighted in the photographs? I like how your new mace is simply and effectively mounted through the belt-purse support, nicely done. :cool:

Except the brass fittings on the belt and purse, the brass buttons of the kaftan and two types of decorative braid (gold-coloured for the kaftan and multi-coloured for the tunic) I made everything - clothes, arms and armour.
Each element of the reconstruction is a result of a thorough research of artifacts, icons and frescos from the period. The whole reconstruction (research and making) took me about two years to reach this level. Now I consider some new elements - new belt for combat dress, a tabard, a quiver, a scabbard for the sword.

And yet another shot - heavily armed in a hurry to man the battle-station. :lol:

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Colt Reeves wrote:
The Madeupian and Fakeian forces paused, facing each other across the valley. The great General Baddguy surveyed the scene once more. His side, the Fakeians, had all the advantages. They outnumbered the enemy almost two to one, had the high ground, the sun at their backs... it was just too perfect..................

.................."In addition, they have some kind of magic that can transport troops onto the battlefield! They could have more! We have to withdraw!"

"Damn it," Baddguy muttered under his breath. "Alright, sound the retreat." He yanked savagely on the reins, jerking his horse around...

Anyway, edited this one down in the quote, and don't want to de-rail this Topic thread, but I have to say that your " adaptation " of my weird idea was excellent and I hope you become a published author of Sci-Fi / Fantasy literature as you seem to have a talent for it. :D :cool:

If you ever write a whole book with this idea I expect a free copy and a dedication on the jacket flap at least. ;) :lol: :cool:
My 6 y/o son in his kit :)

You can't really see it there but he has a butted maille hauberk that I made for him with integrated coif, I also made his shoes, belt and surcoat.

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My wife, Son and I at the castle gates :) You can see his sleeve this time. Unfortunately I didn't get time to finish up my riveted maille coif for this party :(

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Theres me with my friend Matthew and his wife. I am portraying a 13th century crusader footsoldier and he's an English longbowman.
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As I was equipped for the Battle of Wisby event last week! In the battle I had a kettlehat on. My English Archer kit tweeked a little for this 1361 event!
Very good archer impression Martin. I saw you guys shooting "pilregn" at Mästerby Änge, very cool. I also think that the level of quality and details on the kits used in the events (and in the Östergrav camp) was amazing.
Nathan Quarantillo wrote:
Watch Centurion a about a dozen times. Imagine all that crap happening to you.
I think by then you would become numb to the bloodbath :p

my experiences in training are enough to make me reconsider severely as to how well i might do on a medieval battlefield. and its not a good assessment.

then again my kit is pretty bare bones and could be aptly described as budget varangian which is the period im representing (sort of)
Well my statement is meant to be take no where near to seriously. I was making a point how at times the movie seems to be operating under the pretense that we all have freakishly high blood pressure, and have major blood vessels located on 98% of our body surface area.

And it would be pretty interesting to do a study as to how armour affects battlefield bravery and confidence.

Brett, that's awesome, always good to see the seeds of armour addiction sewn young.

Shawn, could you have a pic of your whole ensemble together with the new maille? It's looking good.
Thanx Mate. Hope you had a great time in Wisby! We had a brill time and I agree with you, the camp was surreal! I acctually forgot I am a 21c person at times!
Nathan Quarantillo wrote:
Well my statement is meant to be take no where near to seriously. I was making a point how at times the movie seems to be operating under the pretense that we all have freakishly high blood pressure, and have major blood vessels located on 98% of our body surface area.

And it would be pretty interesting to do a study as to how armour affects battlefield bravery and confidence.

Brett, that's awesome, always good to see the seeds of armour addiction sewn young.

Shawn, could you have a pic of your whole ensemble together with the new maille? It's looking good.

well if it means anything.. i would feel ALOT more secure and be abit more reckless wearing a half plate system at least with thigh and arm protection. ecause currenly my biggest fear is not that ill take a hit. but its that the hits to most of my body will actually hurt. due to lack of armour on my part. and m roundshield is 4.5kg not something i can hold outstretched for very long with one hand anytime soon.

i havent actually worn plate armour, but i imagine f the chances of a hit actually hurting decreases id be more likely to take risks
William P wrote:
Nathan Quarantillo wrote:
Well my statement is meant to be take no where near to seriously. I was making a point how at times the movie seems to be operating under the pretense that we all have freakishly high blood pressure, and have major blood vessels located on 98% of our body surface area.

And it would be pretty interesting to do a study as to how armour affects battlefield bravery and confidence.

Brett, that's awesome, always good to see the seeds of armour addiction sewn young.

Shawn, could you have a pic of your whole ensemble together with the new maille? It's looking good.

well if it means anything.. i would feel ALOT more secure and be abit more reckless wearing a half plate system at least with thigh and arm protection. ecause currenly my biggest fear is not that ill take a hit. but its that the hits to most of my body will actually hurt. due to lack of armour on my part. and m roundshield is 4.5kg not something i can hold outstretched for very long with one hand anytime soon.

i havent actually worn plate armour, but i imagine f the chances of a hit actually hurting decreases id be more likely to take risks

Yeah, armour should add confidence but if one is hitting at full power and being hit at, at full power, one can still be hurt or hurt. Some level of control should always be maintained but the armour is there in case someone messes up badly and to minimize damage or pain.

There is also using armour as safety equipment but targeting as in an unarmoured bout techniques versus training to fight in armour where one would have been trying to bypass the armour to get at the soft tender parts inside the armour ( Targeting eye slots and armpits in a real armoured duel or battle situation ).

Anyway, In high priority:
A) Protect the eyes. face and head.
B) Protect the throat. ( Probably where you could be killed the easiest by just a medium power concussive blow ).
C) Groin.
D) Solar plexus ( No fun having the breath knocked out of you).

Lesser priority but good to protect from injury or pain:
A) Elbows, knees and hands.
B) Shin bones.

C) Everything else being only subject to bruising unless one is hit by a truly massive or insane blow by someone really trying to kill you or totally irresponsible ( Don't fight or train with jerks, the insane, sadists or fools ).
My Landsknecht kit out of linnen, wool and leather. I made all of it except the bidenhaender and the blade of the holbein... I need to get a pic of me in armour as well.

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Christopher, that has to be one of the best Landsknecht kits I've ever seen. :)
Jean Thibodeau wrote:
William P wrote:
Nathan Quarantillo wrote:
Well my statement is meant to be take no where near to seriously. I was making a point how at times the movie seems to be operating under the pretense that we all have freakishly high blood pressure, and have major blood vessels located on 98% of our body surface area.

And it would be pretty interesting to do a study as to how armour affects battlefield bravery and confidence.

Brett, that's awesome, always good to see the seeds of armour addiction sewn young.

Shawn, could you have a pic of your whole ensemble together with the new maille? It's looking good.

well if it means anything.. i would feel ALOT more secure and be abit more reckless wearing a half plate system at least with thigh and arm protection. ecause currenly my biggest fear is not that ill take a hit. but its that the hits to most of my body will actually hurt. due to lack of armour on my part. and m roundshield is 4.5kg not something i can hold outstretched for very long with one hand anytime soon.

i havent actually worn plate armour, but i imagine f the chances of a hit actually hurting decreases id be more likely to take risks

Yeah, armour should add confidence but if one is hitting at full power and being hit at, at full power, one can still be hurt or hurt. Some level of control should always be maintained but the armour is there in case someone messes up badly and to minimize damage or pain.

There is also using armour as safety equipment but targeting as in an unarmoured bout techniques versus training to fight in armour where one would have been trying to bypass the armour to get at the soft tender parts inside the armour ( Targeting eye slots and armpits in a real armoured duel or battle situation ).

Anyway, In high priority:
A) Protect the eyes. face and head.
B) Protect the throat. ( Probably where you could be killed the easiest by just a medium power concussive blow ).
C) Groin.
D) Solar plexus ( No fun having the breath knocked out of you).

Lesser priority but good to protect from injury or pain:
A) Elbows, knees and hands.
B) Shin bones.

C) Everything else being only subject to bruising unless one is hit by a truly massive or insane blow by someone really trying to kill you or totally irresponsible ( Don't fight or train with jerks, the insane, sadists or fools ).

ours is varangian/ scandinavian so definately the latter use of protection. we dont do that anti plate style of fighting.

and its the aforementioned bruising bruising i am tring to avoid at all costs i want to only give, not recieve hits. and since i dont see my technique improving as fast as i want it to. that means i ll need to improvise some protection instead
my roundshield covers the torso and left arm fairly well but my gambeson is only byrnie length so thigh hits are common and very painful
, striks to the face (most of us have spangens with just a nasel or not even a nasel. and maybe an extensive aventail. ) and horizonal hits above the shoulders arnt allowed, but our period doesnt have throat armour.
Some live action photos if my archer from the Battle of Wisby and the camp after. Nice setting with the 13th Cetury wall behind. The bow is my "blunted" warbow. A 65lbs Juniperbow made to look like a beast but just sting a little...

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William P wrote:

and its the aforementioned bruising bruising i am tring to avoid at all costs i want to only give, not recieve hits. and since i dont see my technique improving as fast as i want it to. that means i ll need to improvise some protection instead
my roundshield covers the torso and left arm fairly well but my gambeson is only byrnie length so thigh hits are common and very painful
, striks to the face (most of us have spangens with just a nasel or not even a nasel. and maybe an extensive aventail. ) and horizonal hits above the shoulders arnt allowed, but our period doesnt have throat armour.

Then maybe splinted cuisses ?

Should protect from bruising and relatively early period ? ( Hidden under loose pants if those where worn in period ? )

Gorget could be worn under the mail coif/aventail and not be visible i.e. hidden armour, even a stiff leather collar might work ?
But here is an early version using plates on leather:

Cheating is fine if it's not visible and it keeps you from getting killed. ;) :D :cool:
I was talking about historically, in actual combat. In reenactments and demos, you shouldn't substitute it for being smart.
Jean Thibodeau wrote:
William P wrote:

and its the aforementioned bruising bruising i am tring to avoid at all costs i want to only give, not recieve hits. and since i dont see my technique improving as fast as i want it to. that means i ll need to improvise some protection instead
my roundshield covers the torso and left arm fairly well but my gambeson is only byrnie length so thigh hits are common and very painful
, striks to the face (most of us have spangens with just a nasel or not even a nasel. and maybe an extensive aventail. ) and horizonal hits above the shoulders arnt allowed, but our period doesnt have throat armour.

Then maybe splinted cuisses ?

Should protect from bruising and relatively early period ? ( Hidden under loose pants if those where worn in period ? )

Gorget could be worn under the mail coif/aventail and not be visible i.e. hidden armour, even a stiff leather collar might work ?
But here is an early version using plates on leather:

Cheating is fine if it's not visible and it keeps you from getting killed. ;) :D :cool:

and in fact when it was indicated to me the increased hand protection for one member using a spear 2 handed during training (mine are lether garden gloves with a hand shaped piece of upholsterly leather sewn onto the back to make it abit tougher,
but i mentioned my desire that id get a pair of gthic gauntlets. to which i was told that hed allow it if it was done for the sake of increasing safety (i unfortunately do NOT own gothic plate pieces though id love to one day)

hmm well the varangian rus and byzantines did make liberal use of splinted armour (cheiopsella and posopsella for the forearms and calves but im wary of the mention of 'suitable for use in 14th century'

as for the troat,. insteadof a dedicated gorget.im going to replicate the tradition of extending the ventail so that it reaches up to my chin, thus guarding my throat.
but for now i have decided to essentially thread a lace through the edges of my aventail andlace it up so that it draws together like a curtain. and covers my throat.

ive made a thread about my new helm but noone took notice unfortunately so ill link you to that


our period is 10th to early/ mid 11th, PREFERABLY pre battle of hastings, but being varangians, and being part of the byzantine force. we take that as an oppertunity to diversify alittle, due to the nature of the rus with their contact with steppepeoples, and the byzantines with their high number of mercenary forceslike the latinkon etc. but GENERALLY we try and stick with rus viking gear but well accept for example spectacle helms. or conical scandinavian spangens.

the rest of my kit is included here

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