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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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Posts: 508

PostPosted: Sat 19 May, 2007 10:30 am    Post subject: IJA Sword of Valour Jousting Tournament July 28-29         Reply with quote

I wish to announce the inaugural International Jousting Association North America Sword of Valour Jousting Tournament!

The North America Sword of Valour Tournament will be held the last weekend of July (28-29) at the Silverleaf Renaissance Faire in Battle Creek, Michigan.

This tournament, which is an ACTUAL competition, will follow the rules and format of an early 15th Century Pas d'Armes in that one or two Tenans will joust against five or more Venans. The Venan that scores the most wins/ties through out the weekend will take home the Sword of Valour - a custom-engraved Arms and Armor Edward III sword.

As was the norm in this period, all competitors will use ecranche shields and the scoring of the passes will be based upon those used at Royal Armouries at Leeds, England.

More info to come as details are finalized - however, the Sword of Valour is being created and customized by our own Craig Johnson of Arms and Armor!


Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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PostPosted: Tue 22 May, 2007 8:14 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Our first Venan - Dale Gienow from Canada, has taken up the challenge to joust for the sword!!

Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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PostPosted: Mon 11 Jun, 2007 10:32 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

On the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth days of July in the Year of our Lord 1425, being a Saturday and a Sunday, shall the members of the Compainie of the Northerne Sterre Tenan the field on the road east of Battle Creek a half days ride from the City.

The Members of the Compainie shall stand ready upon the field to receive those who would meet Their Challenge in defence and honour of their sovereign Lord and King and his most beauteous Queen to seek a Valourous Knight to earn the right and privilege of the Sword of Valour.

Members of the Compainie are seeking out and issuing invitation to worthy Nobles of Renown that will present themselves as Venans at the said Field on the appointed Days.

The members are also issuing invitation to those nobles who might wish to witness the spectacle of the Challenges and take part in the surrounding festivities.

The Master and Sponsor of the Tourney shall be the Compainie's Knight of Honour Stefan. Sir Stefan is currently residing in Serbia, and has consented to travel forth to the Shire of Battle Creek, to stand honour for the Compainie of the Northerne Sterre.

King Arthur, Lord of the Britons, Saxons, Angles, and Celts, has graciously granted safe passage to all Nobles of Good Repute who would travel to this Tourney in answer to this Challenge.

In the Round First of the Tourney all of the Venans will compete in Skill-at-Arms competition upon horseback. The Tenans shall stand Marshall for this competition.

In the Round Second of the Tourney it shall be the place of the Tenans to issue Challenge to the Venans, and will alternate running at the tilt, three courses each. Each Tenan shall Challenge Three Venans. Should there be only one Tenan, they shall issue Challenge to all assembled Venans.

In the Round Third of the Tourney it shall be the place of the Tenans to issue Challenge to the Venans, and will alternate running at the tilt, three courses each. Each Tenan shall Challenge Three Venans that they did not break lances with during the Round Second. Should there be only one Tenan, they shall issue Challenge to all assembled Venans.

Thus ends the First Day of competition. The Tenans, Venans, Nobles, and Guests of the Court retire to Feast to recount the days deeds and accomplishments.

In the Round Fourth of the Tourney all of the Venans will compete in Skill-at-Arms competition upon horseback. The Tenans shall stand Marshall for this competition.

In the Round Fifth of the Tourney it shall be the choice of the Ladies of the Gallery as to which Three Venans meets which Tenan. Should there only be one Tenan, the Ladies of the Gallery will determine the order in which the passes are run.

In the Round Sixth and Final of the Tourney it shall be the place of the Tenans to issue Challenge to those of the Venans whom they wish to meet. Should there only be one Tenan, then they shall determine the order in which the passes are run.

All Combats shall be a'Plaisance, three good passes at the tilt, the Victorious Venan shall be that that accumulates the most wins against the Tenans.


Each Combatant must provide themselves with a Consort, a Lady or Lord for whose Honor they do Joust.

Each Combatant must provide themselves with a Banner bearing a device by which they may be known.

Each Combatant must wear a Surcoat and carry a Shield bearing the same device that they may be known upon the field.

Each Combatant must answer the call of the King of Arms to the Grand Procession, with their Pennons or Banners, their Heralds and Squires, and of greatest import the Lady or Lord that they may present Them to the Knight of Honour and to the Principals of the Compainie.

The combats shall be fought for Honor and Renown only. Ransom shall not be allowed.
A King of Arms shall be selected to cry the challenge of each combatant and to cry the progress of the Combats as they occur.

There shall be a Tree of Shields for the crying of Challenge.

The Ladies of the Gallery shall observe the Venans to see who best exhibits the chivalric virtues as understood by the Compainie, and will choose from amongst the challengers those one to earn especial praise.

Upon conclusion of the challenges a closing Ceremony shall formally end the Tourney and all will retire to prepare themselves for the Feast.

All of the Tenans and the Venans shall meet upon the field and swear their adherence to the Rules of the Tourney.

Signed this twenty-second day of May, in the year of our Lord 1425 -

Sir Llwyd Clarke - First Tenant of this tourney


Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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PostPosted: Wed 11 Jul, 2007 10:07 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The field is now set!!

Tenans - Yours Truly and Cassandra Adams (and perhaps one other female jouster...hmmm).

Venans -

Dale Gienow - Canada
Jordon Herron - Canada
Jeremy O'Neil - USA
Steve Schindler - USA
Timothy Sims - USA
Jason Monarch - USA
Chris Greenway - USA
Ray Cornish - USA

What is the Sword of Valour (and what are the other prizes) well -

Custom engraved (The Sword of Valour) Arms and Armor Black Prince
Sword - - Thank you Craig!!

Gold Plated Spurs - - spur g and
spur 15

Hip Belts - - HB-45 The
Norris Hipbelt and HB-3 Six petal Rose Pattern

Winner - Sword of Valour
First Runner-up - spur g and Norris Hipbelt
Second Runner-up - spur 15 and Six Petal Rose Hipbelt

See you there!!


Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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PostPosted: Thu 02 Aug, 2007 12:08 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Final Results-

1) Timothy Sims - 9 pts
2) Jeremy O'Neil - 8 pts
3) Ray Cornish - 6 pts
4) Dale Gienow - 5 pts
5) Steve Schindler - 3 pts (3 ties out of 4 rounds)
Chris Greenway - 3 pts

Jordan Herron graciously filled in for me as Tenan and both he and Cassandra pushed the Venans to the limit. Some Pics -
Lady Cassandra v. Sir Timothy
Sir Jordan v. Sir Timothy
Sirs Timothy, Steven, and Jeremy (Sir Angus)
Sir Timothy and Sir Steven


Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Charlee Garvin

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PostPosted: Thu 02 Aug, 2007 2:15 pm    Post subject: Great Pictures         Reply with quote

So glad to see you folks carrying on the traditions.

Who knows, it may all come back around someday.

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Lloyd Clark

Location: Beaver Dam, WI
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PostPosted: Mon 13 Aug, 2007 7:51 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Pictures from this widly successful tournament can be found HERE

Here is a picture of the Sword of Valour as provided, and custom engraved, by Craig at Arms and Armor!

And here is just a cool picture of Cassandra being handed a lance


Lloyd Clark
2000 World Jousting Champion
2004 World Jousting Bronze Medalist
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Shamsi Modarai

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PostPosted: Mon 13 Aug, 2007 11:33 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote


What? Cassandra and Valour were there this year? Wow, I am really kicking myself for missing this one!

And to think, I only live 2 hours away! Sad

Wa biš žam že sceal of langože leofes abidan.

~ The Wife's Lament
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