Hello All,
There is a blacksmith gathering In Tennessee and a sword blade will be made from scratch.
smelted from ore, forged, ground and heat treated


If you have an interest in swords and how they are made you should attend this gathering.
Many of those demonstrating are masters of their craft...others, like me, just fake it real well.


Here is what Larry HArley says about the event:

This years featured demonstrators will be Wally Hoffseter,Kevin Casshen,Don Fogg, **edit**, and Rick Furrer and Steve Schwarzer

There will also be a new brand of air hammer available for a demonstration.

This event will take place the first weekend in May, at Lonesome Pine Forge (Larry Harley's).

PLEASE pre register as I need to keep track of the participants. For more information or to register, contact LarryHarley at 423-878-5368 or by downloading registration form and sending it along with the fee of $100.

This event will be geared toward a small informal gathering . Mike Blue and Rick Furr will make steel again this year

Kevin Cashen, and Vince Evans ;2 of my favorite sword makers will demo some of the finer points of forgeing a sword blade. ****edit, Vince can not attend this year****

Don Fogg will also demo that week end,along with Wally Hoffseter, who will be doing a demo on handles and furniture on japanese swords

There will be a sword cutting comptetion . Bring your sword..

I am asking all participants to bring projects you are working on and I'm also asking that you bring something that didn't quite workout or something you are having trouble with or questions about. This should facilitate the leaning experience.

We will also have an Iron in the Hat saturday. afternoon. Sunday afternoon will be a round table and a knife show so bring your knives and swords

There are several cheap no-tell motels close by.see the links:

There's been a rumor floating around that there are several pickers and players showing up.
bring something to pluck ,boom or bang

Register Here! "