
Wanted to start up this new thread, as I thought it would garner more information than in my previous thread, asking about La Tene weaponry, though I have changed my interest to a more later time, (I aplogize for the changing of interest) to the time when Christanity and the pagean religions were just coming into contact with eachother, and the effect on the warrior class or such. My interest as most of you know is of modern Romania (since I was born their) but I've specifically narrowed it down to the modern principality of Wallachia. But ad-joining areas would be fine, as they would most definately be related in terms of arms and armour. (or not??)

If someone could enlighten me of the time that peagean people started to become christianized would be wonderful (I would personally like the most earliest time), and also what type, classification of weapons were in use, migration type weapons??? La Tene lll???

Thankyou very much, and I look forward to talking to anyone who can offer me any information of which I seek. Sorry if I might be a little vague of what I ask of, speak of (Hopefully it is very clear). Have a wonderful night. Cheers!

Barrett Michael Hiebert