Nathan suggested that I announce this book here so I'm happy to oblige!

The book is a brief but comprehensive look at modern reproduction swords and features photos of the work of Gus Trim, Vince Evans, John Lundemo, CAS/Hanwei, Museum Replicas, Arms and Armor and of course myself. Chapters cover the different types of swords, the qualities that make for a good sword, marketing of swords, related topics such as daggers, Scottish weapons etc. as well as a comprehensive description of my process for making swords. Other relevant topics such as Oakeshott's typology is included courtesy of the Oakeshott Institute.

The book is available through my website at as either an eBook in .PDF format or as an economy 8-1/2x11 inch B&W print edition as well as deluxe full-color editions in both hard and soft-bound. The deluxe softbound may also be ordered from Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other major booksellers.