Hello everyone,
Well this is actually new information for me but maybe not for anyone else but anyway, along with Records by Oakeshott I received "the Knight and his Weapons," "The knight and his Armour," and "The Knight in Battle," for Christmas from my wife. Although these are technically children's books I feel they are filled with many useful tid-bits of information that I felt were not common knowledge and so I decided to share them here. Maybe this is just news to me but in any case this was news to me. . .
-Falchions were used in the high middle ages, (1100-1300). I had no idea assuming them to post-date this, and hence am provided with something new to collect as this is my era of interest.
- The early form of the halberd was used during this time, really just a bill-hook on a long shaft. I thought that this was a weapon of the latter middle ages.
-That the cut-and-slash swords became popular again in the 1500's because of the extreme cost of complete plate mail of the time.
-In "the Knight and his Armour," there are great and simple illustrations of the straps and fittings on medieval swords and shields that give a good understanding of what is needed for an authentic ensemble, and what is ignored by many contemporary arms manufacturers. These would be ideal to send in for custom orders or for those inclined to attempt to make their own.
There are other bits of information but I found these especially interesting. So I guess what I saying is that the "Knight," series by Oakshott, despite being a children's or adolecsent's book, actually has some interesting facts.