I would appreciate any information on a set of replica child-size armor my family bought in the Middle East in the late 1960's. It had been stored away in a closet for years and forgetten until a few weeks ago.

I wondered what style it represents, including the actual names of any of the pieces.

The set is metal, but fairly lightweight, and consists of:
Helmet with chain mail neck protection, spike on top, and two feather plume holders
Shield (round, 20" diameter)
Battle Axe
Club with head shaped like a devil and spiked horns

I've been scouring the internet for information, but I think I'm too much of a novice. I've found many interesting websites, and this whole area of historical armor and weapons is fascinating. But I haven't seen a helmet exactly this style. I'd like to mount the pieces as a decorative display. knowing more about what they represent would be helpful. I'd also be interested in any advice on how to care for the corroded metal.

Thank you for any advice you have to offer.

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Picture of Helmet

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shield w pcs - lowres9.jpg
Shield, Axe, Club