Posts: 132 Location: East Tennessee
Sun 21 Jan, 2024 3:52 pm
Maciejowski/Morgan Bible Club Grip
I am studying the two-handed clubs featured in the Morgan Bible, and I’m perplexed by the helical feature along the grip. It is present in each example, though there is slight variation (the same can be said of the nails/studs). Is this leather(thin?), paint, embedded metal bands, or something else entirely? Paint doesn’t seem likely to me, though I can’t say why other than I’ve just not seen record of it on anything but lances. Leather could help provide some grip, but could also prevent sliding the hands along the handle, though to be fair, I’m not sure how often this action would be taken with clubs. I’ve seen embedded metal bands in at least one manuscripts and an extant later period axe (that I kind seem to find the picture for) presumably as a way to strengthen or prevent damage to the haft. Perhaps it is none of these things?
Any ideas?
MS M.638, Morgan Bible, f34r
MS M.638, Morgan Bible, f16r
MS M.638, Morgan Bible, f10r
MS M.638, Morgan Bible, f14v
Morgan M.730 Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisle, 14v
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