I am collector of Cypriot antiquities, mostly from the Bronze Age, but continuing into the Geometric and Archaic periods. I have also been studying the Archaeology and history fairly intensively.
I am giving my collection back to a museum in Cyprus gradually (it was almost all probably looted from tombs originally so there is a sort of justice there). I am currently occupied writing a catalogue, with the help of a young Cypriot archaeologist
I have two large spearheads, one from the Early Bronze Age (Philia period up to Early Cypriot II, 2500 - 2100 BC) and the other from the End of the Late Bronze Age (Late Cypriot III 1200-1050 BC)
The older one (38cm long) has a hooked tang with a button on the end. I have heard that it is believed that a hooked tang was inserted into the haft by splitting the end of the haft, inserting the tang into a groove in the wood and then binding the join. However my archaeologist will not allow me to print this unless I can find some authority for it (experimental archaeology is fine). Does anyone know a book or paper I might look at or a person who might help me?
Since before about 1600BC we have no evidence for(or against) shields it is unclear if it would have been used two handed or one handed.

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