I am talking about the Devil's Edge Xiphos and the new Deepeeka Xiphos. This is a comparison between these two sword, including my subjective opinion; it is not a full review.
The first to appear on the market was the Devil's Edge, available from Kult of Athena: http://www.kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=...eek+Xiphos
The stats listed on the KoA site are reasonably close. My measurements are slightly different, but as these are hand-made some variance is to be expected. The weight on mine is 1 lb, 8.5 oz. Point of balance is right about 3 inches (approx), blade length is 19.5 inches (again, approx), and the grip is about 4 inches long. The weight and balance add up to make this sword feel like nothing; to borrow a phrase, it "flies like a butterfly and stings like a bee". The grip is very comfortable; it feels good in the hand. And the edge is SHARP. I mean, really sharp, right out of the box.
The new Deepeeka is also available at KoA: http://www.kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=...eek+Xiphos
Again, KoA's stats are pretty close to mine. I measured the weight on a dry food scale at 1 lb, 7.8 oz. Point of balance is at 4.5 inches (approx), blade length is 21.25 inch (approx), and the grip length is 4 inches, just like the Devil's Edge sword. It may be very close to the Devil's Edge in terms of weight, but due to the forward balance, it feels just a bit more substantial -- not blade heavy at all, in fact it feels like it wants to cut things. The grip may be the same length as on the Devil's Edge, but it is not as wide. It also feels good in the hand. The edge is unsharpened, typical for Indian exports, but can be sharpened for a nominal fee.
One difference is in the blade: The Devil's Edge has a flattened diamond cross section, and is wider; the Deepeeka has a lenticular cross section, and is skinnier. I believe both are accurate for Greek xiphoi, historically speaking. I like the fact that they chose different cross-sections; variety is the spice of historical accuracy.
The largest difference is in the scabbards. I have an earlier model of the Devil's Edge sword, back when they were sold with a wooden scabbard-like thing; now, they are sold with a leather sheath. I struggle to call the wooden thing an actual 'scabbard'; in fact, I have referred to it as a 'Hellenistic Shirasaya', as it is more a carrying case for the blade than an actual scabbard; however, it could be converted into a historically accurate scabbard with a little work and a lot of know-how. Sadly, the leather sheath the DE swords now come with is just that, a sheath, and not a historically accurate scabbard.
The Deepeeka xiphos not only comes with a scabbard, but a historically accurate scabbard. And, in fact, not only historically accurate, but one of the nicest scabbards I have ever seen in this price range. It's a work of art unto itself, with clean, unobtrusive stitching on the back. It is not overly thick, as some Deepeeka scabbards have been in the past, but it very reasonable in depth. Needless to say, I am impressed.
There is one more thing I prefer about the Deepeeka -- the pommel is not obnoxiously huge, as it is on the Devil's Edge sword. It's closer to historical specs, I believe. Other than that, the grips are the same length, but the Deepeeka's grip is, as mentioned, a little less wide than the DE sword.
The Deepeeka is just a few more dollars than the Devil's Edge, but again, sharpening is extra, whereas the DE sword comes sharp.
I don't know how well tempered either sword is, but both makers have a reputation for blades that are on the soft side. You can check out some of the cutting tests done with the DE swords on youtube for more information on that. Your mileage may vary.
I guess it comes down to what you prefer -- a sword that comes with a sharp edge, or a sword that comes with a nice, historically accurate scabbard.
I can recommend both -- and that's a surprise to me. I have never recommended a Deepeeka product before, and I have never recommended anything made in Pakistan. Well, now I am. I am as surprised as you.
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