My hilt is carved/chiseled steel with a parti-color decoration done with plated brass. I'm not sure, but i'd guess the original is gold plated. The grip is wrapped in steel wire with steel ferrules, and the pommels is designed to key to the tang and be secured with a recessed allen nut.
I'm in the process of working on a matching dagger, but I may leave that unfinished until someone decides they want to buy a set, rather than just the rapier.
This hilt is available, and I can mount it with the blade of your choice from the manufacturer of your choice--sharp, HEMA, stage combat, etc.
The hilt is $850 plus the cost of the blade. No extra charge for mounting the blade, unless it requires major modifications.
The dagger is probably $350, but if you want the set we can talk.....
thanks for looking!

The original

the unfinished dagger