If that thing's Roman, my name is Augustus.
Almost certainly a 17-18th C sword. And having looked more at the photos, I'm pretty certain its early 17th C.
Earlier than that? no chance.
Reasons for that assessment:
The shape of the blade profile, with the shoulders tapering in by about 5-8mm, to a rectangular block ricasso, with the very slight hollowgrind to the centreline in the strong of the blade. If its tapering to a lenticular section 10-15cm out from the ricasso, that is a classic, slightly wide 17th C smallsword style blade. More likely, I think that the diamond section has simply been lost to corrosion, and become vague. In which case, its a characteristic 17th C blade shape.
The ricasso block's shoulders would've been seated behind the projecting arms of a pair of guards as part of the hilt, (or encasing the hilt parts if its a later date) going by the usual fashions of hilts then. As a single-handed weapon, it would have had a tang of about 12- 15cm (5 - 5 1/2 inches), with about 25-30mm, (1 inch or so) that would've been inside the pommel, and which has broken off. That part of the tang might only be 5mm wide, perhaps rounded a bit. its no surprise the pommel would come away after years underwater - the rest of the blade clearly broke off in the same manner.
I would expect it was a blade similar to this one in the
Wallace Collection, possibly changing to a lenticular shape along the profile.
Notice how its got the same sort of shoulders where it transitions to the ricasso, and also that little line scribed in the centre of the ricasso which matches that on the one found.
Also, this one is particularly relevant given your one's find-place; the Wallace collection describes it as:
Clement Horn (born 1580)
Hilt- Netherlands, blade- Solingen, Germany
c. 1610
Iron or steel
Length: 73 cm
Width: 5 cm
Weight: 0.92 kg
Maker's mark: Unicorn's head Clemens Horn of Solingen
European Armoury II
Given the find-place of this one is the Netherlands, and the similarities, I think its the most likely suspect - a similar solingen blade, exported and hilted for someone around 1610.
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