I contacted Walter Sorrells about commissioning a katana for me this past March. I've had the sword for about two weeks but only now have gotten some pictures. This was made from folded 1050 and 1095 steel I believe. Walter also makes blades from monosteel and from his own tamahagane. This folded blade fits in the middle price-wise and time I suppose.
I wanted a nice but not flashy hamon and a subtle, elegant and "working" style altogether. I wanted a type of blade and fittings that would reward close attention and something that draws a viewer in, rather than something ostentatious at first glance. I think he nailed it. I also wanted a pebble finish on the saya, and you can see the "cha irishime" finish in a very nice brown. Also, the shinogi-zukuri blade shape was important to me, since it is perhaps a bit more complex and fits with this classic style overall.
This blade is intended for solo iai practice and cutting, but I need to work my way back to this after a hiatus. When I get some good photos of tameshigiri, I might add them to this thread.
Working with Mr. Sorrells for my first major commissioned work was a very good experience for me and I can only highly recommend him and his work. His website is http://waltersorrellsblades.com/ He also has a number of educational videos on Youtube and his site that further explain various aspects of Japanese sword making, etc.