Dang, everything's out of stock! :surprised: I wonder if he's okay... Here's hoping that Christmas buisness was good to him and he's just temporarily sold out of stock .
The helmets are for the SCA -as you can tell, they're in stainless or an overly-heavy guage for period repros. I have no idea if he makes his helmets or has them made for him, and I have no idea what their quality is.
I *do* know that, at least until recently, his primary buisness was his
maille. And I also know that Steve's maille is second to none in the production world, and only a handfull of maille makers in the custom world can exceed the quality of his work. It is
emminently suitable for living history. He's the go-to guy for earlier-period armor needs. If there's a flaw with his work, it's that it's too perfect to be perfectly authentic. Eric Schmidt can go into this far better than I, if he happens to run across this thread.
You cannot go wrong with Steve's work -not the maille, anyway.