I'll get the A&A sword pics up, asap.
The Wi-Fi hates my iPod here, and that's where most of my sword pictures are (and all of the A&A piece).... I can't upload 'em (for whatever reason), so we'll all just have to wait till I get home, lol!
In the mean time here is the one from David DelaGardelle:
The sword is the epitome of the craft, imho. For its size, shape, and function... It's flawless, truly. It moves and changes direction in a snap, it cuts as if it's blade heavy (which it is not), it has a large and forgiving "sweet spot", and the small details in the weapon (which are somewhat lost to the pictures) really really make you love it.
I realize the look of the thing may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I do not doubt at all... ::grin:: If you held it? If you cut with it? You'd want one just like it.
God, I love this sword.
A&A pics as soon as I can get 'em, deal?
Until then, however, I will say this: The thing excels at hard targets and is expertly made.
I mean, I suck BAD with flexible blades (maybe because my cutting started with kats?), but this thing bites really well. Pool noodles? Not so much.... Bamboo? Freshly slaughtered deer? You can't feel any resistance.
Disclaimer: as with all swords experiences cutting will vary from person to person :lol: